Kasich starting to vet VP candidates – IOTW Report

Kasich starting to vet VP candidates

john kasich laughing

FAM: And the clown plays on. John Kasich, who will go down in history as one of the biggest jokes for a presidential candidate in modern history claims he is now vetting possible VP candidates to run along side his joke of a campaign. Seriously! This is how delusional the idiot from Ohio really is.  more

16 Comments on Kasich starting to vet VP candidates

  1. Between this, and his coordingating with Cruz to “block” Trump, Kasich is a Loser’s LOSER.

    Kasich leaves Indiana for Cruz, where Cruz has a chance to have a slightly decent chance of NOT having an utterly embarassing showing…and in the end, a chance to compete with Trump.

    …while Cruz leaves New Mexico and Oregon for Kasich, where Kasich has little to no chance of having any significant delegate additions….which all plays in Cruz’s favor to “stop” Trump.

    NOW TELL ME that Cruz is not the housepet of the GOP.

  2. “…when two candidates who have no path to victory get together to stop a candidate who is expanding the party by millions of voters, (all of whom will drop out if I am not in the race) it is yet another example of everything that is wrong in Washington and our political system. This horrible act of desperation, from two campaigns who have totally failed, makes me even more determined, for the good of the Republican Party and our country, to prevail!” – Trump


  3. “What? I’m sorry…for who? That’s a sick prank, fella. Please don’t call again…No, you cannot say that I am still on The Short List. I’m hanging up now.”

  4. “Well, we have some old hands now who are beginning to do that…”

    Hey John, maybe those “old hands” are what got you where you are today. Just a thought.

  5. Don’t count Kasich out. The same forces that are pushing Clinton are pushing Kasich – DNC, RNC, ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, KGB, NKVD, ZANU, ZAPU, Frelimo, Sendero Luminoso, CPUSA, IngSoc, Fascist Party, National Socialists, and the Girl Scouts.

    Powerful forces are arrayed against the People of the United States – make no mistake.

    izlamo delenda est …

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