Kasich’s State Party Shuts Down Trump Ground Game as Trump Campaign Cuts Ties – IOTW Report

Kasich’s State Party Shuts Down Trump Ground Game as Trump Campaign Cuts Ties


Breitbart: The Donald Trump campaign has renounced the state Republican Party chairman in Ohio, and the Kasich-friendly chairman appears to be retaliating.

Breitbart News has learned that the Ohio GOP’s State Central Committee has issued a stand-down order on campaigning for Trump in at least two major counties.

Party chairman Matt Borges gave an interview to the Cleveland Plain Dealer called, “The Donald Trump whisperer,” in which Borges claimed that he’s been talking to Trump since the Billy Bush Access Hollywood scandal. Here’s the Cleveland Plain Dealer on Wednesday:

Borges had just hung up with Trump when cleveland.com reached the chairman by telephone Wednesday morning. He shared details of their three discussions since Sunday.

What did they talk about Wednesday?

“I told him we have a path to carry Ohio, so let’s just stick together,” Borges said.

“He said, ‘OK, I love ya.’”

But that wasn’t true, and in fact it was some kind of head fake to Trump, Ohio tea party activist Tom Zawistowski told Breitbart News.

“The entire State Central Committee was handpicked by Kasich and Borges,” Zawistowski said, referring to Borges as John Kasich’s right-hand man, or consigliere.

“Fox News had Borges on, on, like, Thursday afternoon, asking him, ‘What did Trump tell you after the tape came out!’ The guy is a bald faced liar! He always has been,” Zawistowski said of Borges. “He wasn’t talking to Trump. We’ve been dealing with him ever since he won in a rigged election.”

Zawistowski said that state party operatives are “spying” on the Trump campaign through the new shared Trump-Pence Victory Centers.

The Trump campaign has had enough.

15 Comments on Kasich’s State Party Shuts Down Trump Ground Game as Trump Campaign Cuts Ties

  1. To say that Kasich is a snake would be unfair to the serpent kingdom of the world. Iwouid not believe one word out of his mouth,nor any of his henchmen. Kasich should pay a price for his treachery.

  2. I have family in Ohio that were very avid Kasich supporters. Not today, they can’t wait to throw the traitor out. Or at least kick him to the Democrat Party where he belongs.

    But if Trump loses Ohio, Beck and Thumbprint will say its all Trump’s fault?

    Squad leader : Sir, there are only 10 of us left and running low on ammo to hold off 1,000 of the enemy. Where are the reinforcements and supplies you promised us?

    General Ryan: They are coming son, don’t worry we are behind you. General Reibus, make sure we waste no manpower or resources on holding on to that hill. They are on their own.

    General Reibus: Copy that.

    ——————–Headline——Hill is taken by the enemy———–

    General Beck: I told ya that SOB of a squad leader would lose the hill to the enemy.

  3. This happened to a lesser degree here in WA, some counties. What the article doesn’t explain clearly, if at all, is that where this is happening it’s because the state-run Republican machines are populated by a bunch of coffee klatch dinosaurs who have held some kind of position in the machine forever and they’re not about to give up their little fiefdoms to the new kids who didn’t put in their time as The Party Faithful and sit through every Thursday night meeting for the past umpteen years. And they are sore because even though no one wants to admit it, they need Trump and his enthusiastic campaign volunteers more than they need them. So instead of getting on board with Trump, they insist on the stupid ring-kissing ritual. Ain’t gonna happen.

    The RNC, from top to bottom, is just as ignorant, arrogant and ineffective as the D’s when it comes to representing voters. They just don’t care.

  4. Kasich neeeds to pay a heavy price for what he has done.
    Ohio needs to vote him out in 2018. They were handing out Gary Johnson flyers instead of Trump info,. bastards
    He will never set foot in a Trump White House, never get a call from Trump, or any help at all, Trump rewards loyalty and punishes traitors.
    The good thing is the Trump campaign took over all of the Victory Centers kicked out turncoats and has his people manning them. This will help him in the final weeks.
    Stay the course people we are winning!

  5. @right winger // what you say sounds so familiar.

    Amb. Stevens – we need more security
    State Dept. (Hillary) “crickets”

    Security detail Sean Smith – we’re under attack
    State dept (Hillary) “crickets”.

    And that is why the Repubs are such a sorry bunch of asshats. They have taken us for granted and are no longer capable of leading this county. Go Trump !

  6. The Republican party is ineffective at best and non-existent at worst.
    Kasich is their Ohio poster child.

    GOP Voter packets went door to door last week in SW Ohio.
    Trump’s material was a plain, one page, black and white Xerox copy, sandwiched between colorful cardstock, slickly produced County, State and Federal candidates brochures.

    The Ohio GOP party apparatus (the party of Kasich and Boehner) is a self serving organization that “thinks” they influence and sway voters.

  7. @Geoff. I believe Trump alluded to addressing Kasich at a later date whereby financing a campaign to defeat two in particular disloyal R’s. Obviously at the time it was Cruz and Kasich. Cruz is off the naughty list but Trump will keep his promise to Kasich.

  8. Exactly as notme said. Voted for him twice. The Demorat alternatives were even worse. We’ve got to suffer through 2 more years of this asshat. I have no idea what he plans after that. Perhaps he should immigrate to Canada.

    He shoved Medicaid expansion down our throats and now the financial crap is hitting the fan. Surprise, surprise it’s vastly more expensive then this goober promised us because enrollees are much sicker than he expected. Any 12 year old could have told him that.

    He has ripped Republican legislators for wanting local school control, school choice and wanting to ditch Common Core.

    At least many counties have strong conservative grass roots groups working in the Trump Victory Centers. The hacks can go take a leap into Lake Erie.

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