Kat Timpf Pops a Forehead Vein Over Cortez Stupidity – IOTW Report

Kat Timpf Pops a Forehead Vein Over Cortez Stupidity

ht/ nm

For the record, Kat is sexy.

25 Comments on Kat Timpf Pops a Forehead Vein Over Cortez Stupidity

  1. BFH, I didn’t know you had a thing for libertarian chicks that think the border wall is a really dumb idea… But its a free country sort of … well it used to be …

  2. About libertarians and The Wall…

    Many libertarians have not given thought to the order in which to make the many reductions in govt scope and power. Those of us who have thought about it know that even if the principled goal is to do away with border controls, then first and foremost, the welfare state must be eliminated.

    Furthermore, that principled goal about border walls is not to do away with them per se, but rather to replace govt-controlled travel/access control with property owner controlled access. We talk about the “right to travel” but ignore the right of a property owner to allow or refuse any individuals wanting to travel to or through his property for any reason he chooses.

    So, the priorities (there are lots of others) is to nuke the welfare state, establish rock-solid property rights recognition, and generally take a meat axe to govt in many areas including border control which should be handled by the owners of property along the border.


  3. Al, I certainly agree with doing away with the welfare state, but do you really think it’s up to the property owners to police the border? I am absolutely in favor of less government involvement in our lives, but border control and national security seems like a pretty good government activity. If they would only do it.

  4. No Uncle Al… National security trumps private property rights. If you want to start your own country go ahead but this is our country and tough tomatoes if a few ranchers and land owners get stepped on. Hell Trump himself used eminent domain on numerous occasional cortex’s in urban areas.

  5. @joe6pak, @Phil Swiller – I would entertain the notion of getting the fed govt out of the border policing business if/when and only if/when pretty much ALL of my other libertarian/conservative objectives are met. And I’m the first to say that I am certain that that will never, ever happen in my lifetime, and quite possibly never happen at all.

  6. “even if the principled goal is to do away with border controls”

    That would be the principle of the insane.

    Also insane with a side of chill fries is the idea that some old rancher is gonna’ enforce immigration and the border laws.

    Politics is the art of compromise. Insane principles get in the way of that. That’s why Dr. Paul (aka Batman), Bernie sanders and a host of other half wits are a danger to this republic. These people will cling to their principles the way a sailor clings to mast of sinking ship.

    I’d rather be an unprincipled bastard with a secure border than a principled smug bastard with Cinco De Mayo breaking out all around me every day.

  7. “BFH….you might get her to support the wall but her elbows and hip bones will put your eye out….”

    …I don’t think it’s his EYE he wants to get around her hip bones, @willysgoatgruff, although that may be necessary to get the festivities rolling…

  8. My favorite response to AOC is still from the FOUNDER OF GREENPEACE
    “This is a key point, unintended consequences of rash actions based on flawed analysis. @AOC probably never thought about basic food production as it is always there for her in the supermarket. She didn’t know she was prescribing mass death but at least now she has been advised.”

    “Which sort of “cleaner renewable energy” do you refer to? Wind and solar? Happy to be without power for a week or two in the winter?
    These are not scare tactics. We can’t produce and deliver food to 8 billion people with horses. Give me your magic formula.”

    from https://twitter.com/ecosensenow

  9. @Aaron Burr:

    even if the principled goal is to do away with border controls

    That would be the principle of the insane.

    Also insane with a side of chill fries is the idea that some old rancher is gonna’ enforce immigration and the border laws.

    In the current environment, I agree. But your comment suggests that you didn’t read or understand my comments.


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