Kathy Shelton- The name of the 12 year-old that was raped by the man Hillary Clinton defended and then laughed about – IOTW Report

Kathy Shelton- The name of the 12 year-old that was raped by the man Hillary Clinton defended and then laughed about


Kathy Shelton was just 12 years old when a 41-year-old drifter raped her on the side of a desolate Arkansas road in 1975.

Now, four decades later, she has agreed to be named and pictured for the first time in this Daily Mail Online exclusive because she is furious that her rapist’s defense attorney – Hillary Clinton – has been portraying herself as a lifelong advocate of women and girls on the campaign trail.


In a lengthy interview with the Daily Mail Online, Shelton said Clinton is ‘lying’ when she claims to be a lifelong defender of women and girls.

Shelton said Clinton accused her during the case of ‘seeking out older men’, and demanded that the 12-year-old undergo a grueling court-ordered psychiatric examination to determine whether she was ‘mentally unstable’.

‘I don’t think [Clinton’s] for women or girls. I think she’s lying, I think she said anything she can to get in the campaign and win,’ Shelton said. ‘If she was [an advocate for women and children], she wouldn’t have done that to me at 12 years old.’

While Shelton gave an anonymous interview to the Daily Beast in 2014, she said wants to start speaking out publicly, in part because ‘I think a lot of people would look at [Clinton] in a different way’ after hearing her story directly.

‘I want to speak to the world. Out there at the White House, so everyone can hear me,’ said Shelton. ‘That’s always been my thing since the anger’s built up. I want to speak out like [Clinton] does, and let the whole world hear it.’

For decades, Shelton said she had no idea that Clinton was the same woman as the lawyer who defended her rapist in 1975.

During the case, Clinton accused the 12-year-old of ‘seek[ing] out older men’ and ‘engag[ing] in fantasizing’ in court affidavits, and later laughed while discussing aspects of the case in a recently-unearthed audiotape from the 1980s.


On the audiotape, Clinton indicated that she believed Taylor, her client, was guilty, saying that his ability to pass a lie detector test ‘forever destroyed my faith in polygraphs’.


24 Comments on Kathy Shelton- The name of the 12 year-old that was raped by the man Hillary Clinton defended and then laughed about

  1. Funny how the past is now coming forth to beat the shit outta Cankles….KARMA anyone? I hope it takes her down, and furthermore, I hope she takes the coward’s way out….such as stinking skank!

  2. Hildabeast will blame it on a date with my mom just said that it was not immediately known whether the government has been in my head hurts so bad but it doesn’t matter how many people have to go back home from work to get the chance for a few days of my favorite song on the phone with the best thing about it in my head hurts so bad but it doesn’t matter what I was just about to get my money back in my room for improvement but the fact is that you can get it together in the morning after I finish this paper for me

  3. Where the hell are the Trump ads about this behaviour. I understand that it won’t change the minds of the hard core (that includes some of the twice damned so-called conservatives) left but those that are being swayed by the “Unstable” or “Too Dangerous” label being hung on him right now by the DNC and the Media may be made to think twice about what Clinton is saying.

  4. “Where the hell are the Trump ads about this behaviour.”

    That’s what I’ve been asking. It’s long past time he got off defense and took the fight to her. If he keeps this up, he’ll lose for sure.

  5. So the scum rapists got acquitted and the Scum Sucking Attorney is attempting to be president?

    Justice isn’t about winning or losing a trial, it’s using laws to fairly judge and punish crimes and criminals through facts, truth and evidence, the first two Hillary knows nothing about and the third she destroys.
    hillary is as guilty as the rapists.
    May she burn in hell for eternity.

  6. @joe6pak:”I hope that lady can gain a sense of satisfaction if she can help take that evil witch down. 40 years of rage would be a hell of a load carry.”

    Witch? Come on joe the W and B keys aren’t even close.

  7. None of this matters. The public has a reading comprehension of an 8th grader. and a memory of about 3 weeks, with the exception of personal experiences. So, worry about what happens in the last three weeks before Nov. 8th. This stuff, not so much. I’m enjoying Tump’s baiting of the media.

  8. The Trump ads won’t start until after Labor Day weekend, when the kids are back in school, the camping gear has been stowed and there is that lull between end of summer and Halloween. Why run ads when no one wants to ruin their summer fun and will be forgotten too soon?

  9. It’s one thing to have a conversation with someone with an opposing viewpoint where both parties could come away with a different perspective. It’s another thing entirely when someone comes in with such an asinine, morally bankrupt statement than nothing can be added without diminishing from the subject. I think that is what just happened here. That is some pretty impressive stuff you bring to the table there larry.

  10. Was the movie Devil’s Advocate based on Hillary Clinton?

    I recall the film opened with the attorney (Keanu Reeves) destroying a young rape victim on the stand that resulted in a “not guilty” verdict for the obviously guilty defendant.

    Only in Hillary’s case, she never resisted the Devil, but made the deal. Only the names were changed to protect the evil one.

  11. Raped into a coma, ripped front to back, never having children, and then raped again on the stand by Hillary, such a nasty snatch! I cannot imagine a man taking on this case – but a female? and to blame a virgin who was beaten in the face while being raped? wow, Hillary doesn’t defend the women and children, she is an advocate for sadist, baby raping monsters of the country! Hillary, I hope when it comes back around to you, we all get to witness it live! psychopathic, pathologic lying crotch, we should see this tape as a warning for our own children, Hillary – stepping on a child to gain power, does it get worse than that?

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