Katie Couric Doused With “Mud” and Urine At CharlottesVile – IOTW Report

Katie Couric Doused With “Mud” and Urine At CharlottesVile

Her and her producers are “unsure” of who threw them and who the targets were.

This might give her a clue-

Portland Police Chief Says Antifa Protesters Used Slingshot to Launch Urine and Feces-Filled Balloons at Riot Cops

Oregon Police Chief Michael Marshman revealed on Friday that riot cops forced Antifa protesters out of local parks during a Jun. 4 protest after the anti-facist group began launching balloons filled with feces, urine…

—I Think They’re Throwing Pi$$ and $hit –


Like the lefty reporters who struggle to find the motive of a guy who shouts Allahu Akbar before killing 50 people, Couric and company are struggling to figure out who doused her with pi$$ and $hit.

47 Comments on Katie Couric Doused With “Mud” and Urine At CharlottesVile

  1. Amazing that people are so motivated to participate in these events, yet spend so little time to look into whats really going on around them. The larger the crowd the smaller the IQ.

  2. Lucky they were just flinging shit. Rocks and soda cans filled with concrete are a lot more painful. It’s just a matter of time before they kill someone.

  3. Now, as I remember my last trip to the Zoo … there was one cage in particular that had Plexiglas in front cuz the denizens flung poo … what cage was that?

    Gee, I can’t remember.

    Gazelles? Nope.
    Kangaroos? Nope.
    Tigers? Nope.
    Ostriches? Nope.
    Dik Dik? Nope.
    Bears? Nope.

    Dang it! Just can’t seem to recall …

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Imagine the logistics of somehow forcing your own feces (who else’s?)down the stretched neck of a little balloon.
    Funnels? Fingers? Mom asking why her basement area stinks so bad?

    ANTIFA needs to be declared a domestic terrorist organization and banned.
    Corporate donors and academic enablers need to be prosecuted.
    RICO will get the attention of CEOs and Dem mayors, fast.

    Where in hell is AG Jeff Sessions, The Invisible Man?
    Where is DHS?
    There are a dozen Federal LE agencies that can criminalize ANTIFA and BLM with the stroke of a pen. Where are they in this?

  5. This couldn’t have happened to a better candidate. Keep getting out there in the middle of the literal shit show, Katie, and report all the news! We can’t wait to hear more!

  6. She’s been slinging crap for years. Turnabout is fair play and made better by the fact, it’s her leftist comrades doing it. Bet that wiped the stupid smile off her face.

  7. Wow!
    Looks like shit!
    Feels like shit!
    Smells like shit!
    Damn! It even tastes like shit!
    Even kinda crunchy, like shit!
    Hmm … sticks to my teeth like shit!

    Sure glad I didn’t step in it!

  8. I would think they put their shit in water and then funnel it into the balloons as mostly liquid. Just guessing mind you, I have zero personal experience doing anything like this.


    You don’t fill the “balloon.” You coat the “balloon,” somehow. Then you roll it inside out as you remove it. Tie it off. And it’s ready to throw.

    I believe it was one of the credentialed who advised having your herd do what they enjoy.

  10. It must be sad to not be able to offer Elaine any dance moves.
    I find it interesting that a person who won’t eat gluten will tongue an asshole after two craft beers.

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