Kavanaugh Accuser Defended Bill Clinton’s Alleged Penis Exposure – IOTW Report

Kavanaugh Accuser Defended Bill Clinton’s Alleged Penis Exposure

Max Stier has been called “scrupulously honest and nonpartisan” by the phony conservative Jennifer Rubin.

That is the first red flag.

Then there’s this.

This twerp’s “non-profit” is hilariously characterized as non-partisan.

The Partnership for Public Service

Just on its face it sounds “non-partisan,” doesn’t it?

Here’s their “about us” page:

We all deserve a government that is responsive to the needs of our fellow citizens. While others may debate whether government should be bigger or smaller, we focus on making it better.

LIE. In a video at his website he clearly states that his goal is to make government STRONGER. You don’t make government stronger by making it smaller. You don’t make a profit at your non-profit by making government less impactful upon our liberties.

Since our founding in 2001, we have worked to make government more effective and efficient. Our nonpartisan stance allows us to collaborate with many different stakeholders who share our vision for a better government. We serve as a bridge between administrations, across the political aisle and from government to the private sector, bringing together diverse perspectives to develop forward-thinking solutions and put them into action.

Forward thinking? Progressive?

But improving government requires more than just ideas—we need a talented corps of knowledgeable, action-oriented problem-solvers capable of driving results and innovation. That’s why we work with leaders throughout government to help them transform the government we have into the government we need.

On his twitter feed he actively calls for students to enter into the public sector. Sounds like he’s interested in expanding the public sector.

We’re proud of the work we’ve done. But we understand that there’s much more work still to do.

At expanding government.

If this guy lies about the motives of his non-profit it’s safe to assume he’s comfortable lying about all sorts of things.

Here’s his beard, errr, wife, Florence Pan, being nominated by Barack Obama to be a federal judge in DC.

I’m sure the discussions at the Stier dinner table are all non-partisan. That’s why Obama nominated her, for her non-partisanship.


It gets worse.


Kavanaugh worked with Ken Starr on the other side of the Clinton impeachment battle. During his confirmation hearings, Kavanaugh had accused his opponents of being motivated by “revenge on behalf of the Clintons.” This allegation seems to confirm that.

The story gets even juicier, however. When Stier originally came forward with this allegation, no one believed him. According to the New York Times article, Stier “notified senators and the F.B.I. about this account, but the F.B.I. did not investigate and Mr. Stier has declined to discuss it publicly.”

The FBI did not find the allegation worth pursuing, and no senator leaked this story to the press or used it in the hearings, when they were throwing everything in the book at Kavanaugh. Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) — now a flagging presidential candidate — read a rape allegation from an anonymous letter that had no return address or any means to identify, much less authenticate, it.

Perhaps the Democrats knew then that Max Stier’s connection to the Kavanaugh allegations would reveal their hand. The partisan nature of the attacks could be made abundantly clear, the Clinton connections plain as day, and the jig would be up.


Perhaps Stier’s non-profit should be investigated. This guy is clearly partisan.

ht/ hot salsa

15 Comments on Kavanaugh Accuser Defended Bill Clinton’s Alleged Penis Exposure

  1. I heard BJ’s dick leans left, too.

    Rubin and Ana Navarro. Top Republicans. LOLOLOL. Why do they keep saying they’re Republicans???
    They spend most of their time in hillary’s trenches.
    Yeaaaah I meant that to be gross.

  2. This is really an act of desperation.

    It’s obvious that Trump can’t be stopped from filling RGB’s inevitable vacancy.

    The more they keep trying to undo the Kavanaugh confirmation, the more I think that there might be chatter among the left that a 4th vacancy will be coming up.

    Stay hopeful and stay tuned.

  3. …and, for some reason, it doesn’t ever get remarked on that the Clintons not only have a defense attorney, but defense attorneyS on retainer.

    MOST people don’t require CONSTANT legal representation loaded and at the ready. You know, like we heard from Binden’s brain surgeon without remarking on how UNUSUAL it is for a person to HAVE their own brain surgeon in the FIRST place…

  4. You can bet the farm that every “brave” traitor that squawks now,
    was someone that Epstein (who committed suicide I’m told)
    had major dirt on.

  5. Unsupported accusations meant to assassinate someone’s character never come from someone that is “scrupulously honest and nonpartisan”.

    Quite the opposite, at least IMO.

    As if that means anything in the larger picture.

  6. These unsupported claims will continue as long as those making unsupported claims go unpunished.

    Start suing these partisan idiots and when they have no homes, savings and their pay is garnished other partisan idiots will think twice before making up excrement about people.

  7. Kavanaugh commits heinous act.

    NYtimes leaves out the part that it’s a clinton attorney making the charge and that the person kavanaugh allegedly committed the heinous act against doesn’t remember it ever happening.

    Why is the NYtimes still open?
    Why hasn’t Trump put it’s executives in prison?
    Why is the nytimes stlll allowed on twitter and facebook when they are fake news?

  8. What my Mission Statement translated into terms WalMart people like you can understand is that I formed a nonprofit tax shelter to avoid paying my fair share and use that money to hire lobbyists who.can then bribe public officials or fund smear campaigns.


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