Kavanaugh Accuser Admits She Lied and Said Rape Claim Was a “Tactic” – IOTW Report

Kavanaugh Accuser Admits She Lied and Said Rape Claim Was a “Tactic”


Believe ALLLLLLLL women.

16 Comments on Kavanaugh Accuser Admits She Lied and Said Rape Claim Was a “Tactic”

  1. didn’t her charge come through kamela harris? Why isn’t her name mentioned in all of this?
    “…Grassley said in a letter on Friday that Judy Munro-Leighton should be investigated for making materially false statements and obstruction. The Iowa senator said that Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) forwarded a letter from a “Jane Doe”…”

    harris should be made to answer for this.

  2. @Uncle Al, so you are advocating for equal pay? Give more!
    The accuser get 0 hours the accused get’s a life sentence with all these laws. Even if he gets out after five years. Double the time for the false accuser.

  3. Dear moe tom — We don’t need no stinkin’ msm to disseminate the news anymore! We don’t even need FB, Twitter or Instagram. The truth will out despite their efforts to suppress it. They’re not reporting it damns them more and their unreported news becomes the news.

    Isn’t it fun?

  4. When in hell is Grassley going to investigate the California psychopath blasé Ford? That cutthroat phony should have been the first investigated. The second would be the senile old woman named Diane Feinstein. Grassley couldn’t wait to say “I believe her” . Lord help us.

  5. She was probably inveigled into the false accusation by purported counsel and others. They should be prosecuted and she should be given credit in sentencing for co-operating with the prosecution.
    Justice Kavanaugh should sue the accusers and their co-conspirators and publishers for defamation, to clarify the limits of New York Times Company v. Sullivan.
    Successful prosecutions and defamation actions are likely to deter future conduct of this nature, and might put some of the evil mass media out of business.

  6. In 2014 the Tribune Company began purchasing the remaining newspapers in Southern California, i.e., LA Times, North County Times (Carlsbad) merged into the San Diego UT, and the San Diego Union Tribune, while the LA Times simultaneously began extending its tenacles and influence to local remaining smaller community newspapers. Leading up to the 2016 election the Tribune Company (a Tri-lateralist entity) would create a daily barrage of negative Trump and pro-Clinton articles (so many were blatantly false and manufactured
    with lies of racism, etc). Shortly after the election the Tribune Company sold both the LA Times and the SDUT to a billionaire South African doctor of Asian decent.

    Let’s just see if the Sunday November 4th editions of the LA Times and the San Diego UT have any mention of this now revealed criminal LIE. My bet is they do not.

    Recommended viewing: 1) Kill the Messenger, produced in 2014, be sure and read the narrative at the end of this 1:45 hr movie. This is the true story of Gary Webb the “Reporter of the Year” and how our government and the media, i.e., 60 Minutes colluded to destroy him after his reporting of the CIA flooding American cities with Crack. The Iran/Contra story 2) Bill Clinton at the Bush Family Ranch broadcast only 2 or 3 times on Fox* one weekend in June of 2015 (OMG!!!) which described the relationship and partnership of the Clinton’s and the Bush family 3) Read Roger Stone’s book “Jeb and the Bush Crime Family”, wherein Jeb withdrew from the presidential campaign 72 hours after its release (he was already failing badly as a candidate).

    *Bill Clinton: “I am known in the family as the son who went bad”
    *Barbara Bush: “Bill is like one of our sons. George and I just love him so much”

    And then DJT became the 45th president of the United States. Obviously with strong sponsorship. So you see……….America, like its people, is a great country.

  7. Women who falsely accuse men of rape should go to jail for the same amount of time the innocent man would have gotten if convicted.
    This lying by women must stop, but pretty soon anyway, no one is going to believe anything a woman says.

    George Vreeland Hill

  8. Well, in my previous post I proposed, “Let’s just see if the Sunday November 4th editions of the LA times and the San Diego Union Tribune have any mention of this Criminal LIE (intended to destroy Justice Kavanaugh).” I bet they would not.

    I can now report that this important breaking story, that both publications owned by the same Billionaire doctor from South Africa, that NEITHER Sunday newspaper mentioned, covered, or revealed to the reading American public that this accuser has been found to be a liar and a fabricator by the judicial investigators.
    She openly admits she lied in an attempt to destroy Kavanaugh.

    Did anyone see the blip on Fox Sunday the 4th wherein a young female appeared to throw her milk at a male she disagreed with regarding DJT. After throwing and hitting the male with her beverage she turned and yelled at him, “don’t you know, Fascism is here”…….apparently she was arrested on assault charges.

    The day before Jane Fondu counseled all of us Americans and the people of the world that control and destruction of the PRESS is how Fascism starts and takes over.

    You know, I agree with her. And so does the Los Angeles Times and the San Diego Union Tribune which failed to inform the American people that yet one more Kavanaugh accuser LIED to destroy the future SCJ appointee.

    I stumbled on this IOTWReport.com web site, now Google has it buried in deep 6 ville. The post in this article by another documenting the CIA’s connection to Ford’s father and the businesses he set up (if true), along with a bevy of DOJ
    and former retired DOJ attorneys and the one who administered the polygraph, and the connection of the attorneys and the out-and-out lies told by Ford, is nothing short of SCARY. It has been reported by others that Diane Feinstein’s husband David Blum* is on the BOD where Ford is supposedly an instructor.

    *David Blum is a Billionaire and Diane Feinstein’s bag man if you will. In the early 1990’s he had between $50 and $100 million invested in China. Additionally, as reported by local media in Southern California, Feinstein and her husband traded worthless land in the Mojave Desert to the Federal Government on behalf of the endangered Desert Tortise, wherein a company controlled by Blum took control of the largest GOLD deposit in North America and perhaps the world, which was then sold to one of the insider Gold companies headquartered here in the states. This deposit was reported to have been a mile long, and a half mile deep, and was found via US Satellite imagery.

    Yes Hanoi Jane……..most of us agree, Fascism and Tyranny starts and continues when the media controls what we masses read, and the images the media creates for us.

    Long Live DJT…..

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