Kavanaugh Will Be Confirmed Tomorrow – IOTW Report

Kavanaugh Will Be Confirmed Tomorrow

Joe Manchin has committed to voting yes tomorrow.

With Collins and Flake, the need for Pence’s deciding vote is not necessary.

50-48 will be the vote, even without senator Daines’ vote, who will be attending his daughter’s wedding.

The left is going to go BERSERK. By 5pm et tomorrow the Supreme Court will be, allegedly, weighted toward the right. (Isn’t it amazing that being a constitutionalist means you weight the court towards conservatism.)

34 Comments on Kavanaugh Will Be Confirmed Tomorrow

  1. I have a question…



    They are chanting “LOOK AT US!” and “SHAME!”

    It’s time to break out the water cannon.

  2. Good thing, because a daughter’s wedding was in jeopardy.
    Give me a fucking break!

    Imagine if Kavanaugh fails because some woman just has to get married.
    The irony would be her husband abuses her and they get a divorce a year later.

  3. I should probably take a break from working on the daughter’s slug gun tomorrow and drive up to Seattle with my cooler in a Radio Flyer and throw ice cubes at them as they throw a shit fit in Westlake Mall.

  4. What happens if dems change their votes tomorrow? The best thing is to plan on deception being used and plan on it. Make whatever arrangements have to be made as if the votes are going to change. Wouldn’t the dems love to upset the apple cart?
    Lull everybody into a false sense of security and spring the trap. There is too much at stake to trust anybody,

  5. I heard that the ABA is going to revisit its endorsement of Kavanaugh.

    And then there is this crank, David William Pear:

    “What I am reporting on is the hundreds of times that Kavanaugh lied to Congress, while under oath, about his years in the early 2000’s as President Bush’s White House Staff Secretary…Kavanaugh received thousands of confidential emails, memorandums and talking points stolen from Democratic Senators’ computer servers by Republican Senate staff member Manuel Miranda…from 2004 to 2006, when Kavanaugh was asked hundreds of time while under oath if he had received the stolen documents he consistently lied and committed perjury. ”


    Not agreeing with any of the above, just be ready for a lot of shit to be flung over the next 24 hours.

  6. She took nearly an hour explaining why she was voting to confirm, case by case, his judicial philosophy, etc., and with every word out of her mouth I disliked Kavanaugh more and more. If what she said is true, we’re in trouble with this one.

    If it weren’t for the fact that it would be justifying the abhorrent behavior of the DemonRats throughout this sh!t show, I’d want him to go down.

    We can only hope being dragged through the mud and slandered as a gang rapist has the same effect on him as it did on Clarence Thomas. Or maybe that the Grim reaper comes after Darth Ginsburg or Sotomayor’s diabetes kicks in big time.

    Paging Amy Coney Barrett. Amy Coney Barrett to the courtesy phone

  7. Drunk R ape

    Grope R ape

    Gang R ape

    DOCTOR R ape

    Devil’s Triangle R ape

    Preppie R ape

    Izod R ape

    Fact R ape

    Witness R ape

    Credibility R ape

    Angry R ape

    Boof R ape

    Ice R ape

    I’m sure I left some r ape forms out.

    R ape, r ape, all is r ape.


    Jim Acosta
    “With a single speech, Sen. Collins, announcing her support for Kavanaugh, has paved the way for a much more conservative Supreme Court for the next generation. Abortion rights, gay rights, climate change, and health care reform could well be impacted for decades to come.”


    (This is the Czar; I am abdicating the throne to lead the military, to annihilate the Left. It’s pronounced “shWAKE.“ p.s. The book shows you what a “Good Soldier” can become with infinite inertia and patience!)

  9. @Loco:
    “The irony would be her husband abuses her and they get a divorce a year later.”

    There’s statistically nearly a 50/50 chance that SHE’d be the abuser.

  10. Something tells me the now cornered democrats, working silently in the background, will now encourage their darkest fringe to take this nomination out by any means. Buckle up…

  11. Manchin still needs to go. Collins speech made me skeptical again that Kavanaugh might be another wishy washy pick – really voted with Garland 93% of time?! Still better than a liberal and I trust Trump. I can’t wait to see the photos and footage of the epic meltdown.

  12. frankly, haven’t like the Kavanaugh pick from the get-go … too much of a Bushie (rhymes w/ ‘squishy’)
    … that being said … as the Dimms have tried to destroy this man, I have given him my wholehearted support … & hope his accusers are persecuted to the fullest extent of the law

    btw, still don’t trust Manchin or Flake to ‘do the right thing’ & vote ‘Aye’ tomorrow … I hope McConnell holds the vote open until Daines gets back … just in case … always have a back-up plan!

  13. I’m extremely grateful that because the Left was so sure clinton would be elected, that guy who occupied our WH saw no urgency in replacing Scalia. He golfed, partied and vacationed his last two years in office. God is great.


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