Kavanaugh’s temperament – IOTW Report

Kavanaugh’s temperament

19 Comments on Kavanaugh’s temperament

  1. The Left is incapable of conceptualizing ideas such as honer, integrity and its offspring responsibility…that is why they believe that Kavanaugh’s temperament is attacked as if he were merely a grouch. A Lefty , without these beliefs is able to lie, cheat, steal and destroy while blaming their actions on another..

  2. If Jesus were being considered for a spot on the Supreme Court, the lying, hypocrite and soulless democrats would point to his anger when he threw the money changers out of the temple as lack of proper judicial temperament.

  3. Righteous anger and indignation are exactly what I would expect from an innocent man who was maliciously and horrifically accused/convicted without due process. Had Kavanaugh responded without emotion, then the left would have claimed only a sociopath would respond without emotion. An innocent man denies the charges loudly and often to anyone who will listen. It was honest emotion and completely believable.

  4. I hope Kav rips them all a new one after they confirm him on Saturday.

    He definitely had proper motivation from the left. If I was a left-winger I’d be nervous as hell of Kav’s wrath after what they put him and his family through.

    I just pray Kav doesn’t pull a Justice Roberts move on us later in his tenure.

  5. The Democrats only know anger from the perspective of what their acting coaches tell them.

    Seeing how, at best they are probably the lizard people that David Ikes keeps warning us all about and have no emotions or at worst are sociopaths who have no emotions they are over reaching for the “not the proper temperament” card.

    Either way- they are causing my trigger finger to itch and I can’t be alone. I’d rather the Republic struggle for life in an epic civil war than to die of Democrat-cancer.

  6. In the left’s view Christ’s anger and overturning the tables of the money changers in the temple made him unfit to be a savior.

    Just as the democrats trashing of the FBI report was predictable – if Judge Kavanaugh had not responded with elevated emotions and anger. They would claim he is emotionally dead and therefore lacks the emotional balance and empathy to be confirmed to SCOTUS.

    Going the extra mile for the democrats, in the false hope to find reasonableness and decency, is never an extra mile enough. Screw ’em. It’s long past time to send the strong message that elections have consequences. And they lost. No, even better – they were defeated.

  7. Kamala, how many dicks did you suck to get here, Harris

    Richard, Vietnam not vetted, Blumenthal

    Cory, T-Bone, Booker..

    Diane, Chinese spy, Feinstein

    Who did I miss?

  8. Back in the day, this would have been a shining example of “speaking truth to power”. It is supposed to be done with feeling, and with apparent outrage at the forces oppression.

  9. Clarence Thomas will have a very interesting conversation with Kavanaugh when the court chamber door closes for the first time…imagine being the fly on THAT wall!

    Screw them dude! You made it…a jump off the floor high five ensues…

    Thomas HAS said the the SCOTUS has not been the same without Scalia.

    Maybe it will get BETTER…Thomas ‘becomes’ Scalia as Kavanugh ‘becomes’ the new Thomas.

    I like the Gandalf the Grey and Gandalf the White analogy for Kavanugh:

    After a FIERCE fight falling into HELL with a mortal old enemy, you climb out in better form ready to KICK EFFING ASS.



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