Kayleigh McEnany: Portland mayor refusing to ‘admit that he lost control of his city’ – IOTW Report

Kayleigh McEnany: Portland mayor refusing to ‘admit that he lost control of his city’

FOX: White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said on Monday that though other officials have requested the help of federal law enforcement to deter violence, Portland, Ore., is lagging in that respect.

“What we’ve seen in Portland, however, is a mayor who is unwilling to admit that he lost control of his city,” McEnany told “Outnumbered Overtime.” McEnany continued, “A mayor who is saying, I don’t need the help of federal law enforcement, while you have these rioters trying to burn down a courthouse, set a police building on fire, hurl pigs feet, attack officers and threaten police officers and citizens alike,” McEnany said. more

22 Comments on Kayleigh McEnany: Portland mayor refusing to ‘admit that he lost control of his city’

  1. Even an Idiot should understand after 45++ days riots and looting the Mayor had no control or did and was Politically/Racially promoting the Protests for Political Points … maybe even hoping to fuel a West Coast rebellion.

    In short he has either sold out his country and his City for a rebellion or is clueless on how to pick up a phone and call the governor for help.

    Who knows maybe the Governor told him to keep the police back until Trump moved to protect US Citizens so they could scream dictator Trump. In the mean time 1000’s of Portland property owners and residents were watching arsonists openly roaming free.

    Come to family members house with a Fire Bomb lit in hand.
    And you will be what is on fire as breaks in your hand.

  2. I swear guys, these people are so off the chain that they gonna nuke DC. Sounds far reaching, I know. So did government takeover of auto industry by the fag kenyan.

  3. “It’s just a flesh wound”

    The who damn Portland City government is nothing but a Monte Python sketch. They have so lost touch with reality that they don’t recognize abject failure.

  4. Ted’s picture is enough to pop the circuit breaker in a Walmart gaydar. Give me a bus load of Cub Scouts with paint ball guns, we’ll take care of the rioters.

  5. If you are on Twitter, look up #PortlandMoms. Lefty loony women are now going to stand between their black bloc AntiFa offspring and the police and Feds. I saw a tweet requesting #PortlandDads too but the Moms make for better optics.

    It’s so well orchestrated. The hashtags, the color coordinated tshirts (the moms I saw all we’re wearing the same yellow tshirt- did they shop at the same store or were they handed out by an organizer?) the chants, signs, ability to crowd source “mom.” Local lefty friends here think it’s all grassroots and organic (BLM) and won’t comment on the riots in Portland or here. Friends in Ohio don’t even know that the PNW is blowing up-it never makes it to their local news.

    From reading Twitter, to believe it not I dunno, but something big is being planned in Seattle by the agitators around July 25. 🤦🏼‍♀️

  6. @Jimmy I never tweet anymore. I just dig in once or twice a day to look at hashtags (like #seattleprotests and related ones). The tweets/avatars/names are bizarre (with hidden meanings/code that I don’t understand) they track the police scanner so the rioters know where the cops are, they direct groups to gather at such and such street…and their righteous belief in themselves and their mission is scary.

  7. It’s not clear to me why Antifa hasn’t taken over Portland city hall and ousted the mayor and city council. They have the numbers to do it and make it a real official Portland CHAZ/CHOP right there in the heart of Portland’s so called ‘government.’

  8. Interesting, Illustr8r. I’ve been monitoring various Snohomish county area scanners periodically when things heat up (like they were weeks ago). I should try monitoring King County / Seattle.

    You’re a great ‘reporter’ btw!

  9. I wonder…the wall of Moms…wearing yellow. Could there be a connection with the French Yellow vests ? If so, supposedly leaderless, but not, the multitude of Yellow vested people in France and elsewhere in Europe, is the new Force that works for changes in Law, new Laws etc through mob action and circumvents voting and deliberation within the government. Eclectic , never ending Demands on every level suddenly appear with Yellow vest wearing mobs demanding that a town or city respond to social justice by Thursday or burn..capitulation is usually quick. No government entity is too big or small, the mob destroys cars at first, 100s of them a night and proceeds upping the anti until the Demand of the day is met and then they disappear..Central government has been at a loss in trying to stop them…Too early to tell, but by the end of August we should know…I suspect that the 2nd Amendment might be a problem here and yet..shooting someones mom is a great optic for the Left.

  10. A day ago the “Moms” were wearing white tshirts with hashtags and sayings handwritten across them. Now, they are all in yellow-who ordered the change in wardrobe?


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