Keep an Eye on This Dirtbag Writer – IOTW Report

Keep an Eye on This Dirtbag Writer

Luke O’Neil is the dirtbag that said he wished he peed in Bill Kristol’s food when he had the chance.

Hey, I hate Bill Kristol, but only a dirtbag would signal to his dirtbag audience that missing the opportunity to tamper with someone’s food will lead to regret. (He’s vowed to never write for the Boston Globe again after they pulled the piece.)

Now this dirtbag’s response to the obvious epidemic of Trump Derangement Syndrome is to manufacture a story about how families are being torn asunder by FOX NEWS.

Not only is this dirtbag a dirtbag, but he’s a few beats behind, indicating that he’s a slacker dirtbag.

The conservatives he hates are just not into Bill Kristol, nor Fox News. Get those dirtbag knees up, Luke.

Why do I say ‘keep an eye on this writer’?

Because he’s displaying all of the characteristics of someone who will be busted in the future for writing stories with completely made-up protagonists.

From the ironically named Intelligencer-

What I’ve Learned From Collecting Stories of People Whose Loved Ones Were Transformed by Fox News.

If you want to read what the dirtbag wrote, search the title above. I’m not going to give him clicks.

I can condense it for you-

“My parent turned into a racist, bigot, homophobe, Muslim hater because of Sean Hannity and now our entire family is wrecked.”

It’s anecdotal, and most likely a load of dirtbag.

ht/ jd hasty


24 Comments on Keep an Eye on This Dirtbag Writer

  1. Dirtbag. And not the clean, life-giving dirt that sustains our plant-life, but the dirt under a muslimes fingernails on the left hand. The dirt under a rotting corpse infested with maggots and disease. The dirt that cakes the stove hood of a filthy greasy spoon diner. What did I miss?

  2. Once upon a time, yeah, a story, I wrote a letter to the New York Times, explaining that Police Departments in America are capable of policing themselves. I gave them statistics and whatnot. It was a good letter as an Editor from the Times told me when she called. She just wanted to clear up some facts. I Obliged. My point was that complaints against Police were mostly unjust,or false. About 3 percent were justified and some were referred to the DA for Criminal prosecution.
    She agree and told me my letter would be printed next week.
    Next day all hell broke loose. A guy named Abner Louima had his teeth broken and a mop pole shoved up his ass by some sick cop in Brooklyn. Those were the allegations, and proven true.
    I immediately called the Editor and told her to please, not print my letter. She agreed.
    My point is that whoever the editor at the Boston Globe is, that allowed Luke O’Neill’s shit to be printed, is an asshole and should be fired.

  3. Isnt a dude serving food supposed to wear a beard diaper? It might be helpful to sop up blood, too. Just in case he accidentally took a fist to his girly nose. I did say accidentally, right?

  4. Kinda despise Bill Kristol too but wouldn’t pee on him or his food even if he was on fire.

    “The Peter principle is a concept in management developed by Laurence J. Peter, which observes that people in a hierarchy tend to rise to their “level of incompetence”. In other words, an employee is promoted based on their success in previous jobs until they reach a level at which they are no longer competent, as skills in one job do not necessarily translate to another. The concept was elucidated in the 1969 book. . .” . . . The Fireman Peters Principle by Peter the Fireman

  5. A left wing version of ‘gavin mcinnes’ Proud Boys, minus the hygiene, loved and being promoted by the MSM.
    Not that I’ve found Gavin helpful as well.
    Good reference,
    “level of incompetence”
    Long missed and not applied Principle!

  6. never let anyone in a restaurant know that you support trump until after you get the food.

    after you get the food, let them know you support trump.

    if they bitch, NO TIP FOR YOU!!

  7. Peeing in peoples’ food should be illegal – even for people who pee in Bill Kristol’s food.

    We must ban peeing! If ONE salad can be saved, it’s worth it!

    Jesse Jackson spat in white peoples’ food.

    Defiling food seems consistent with nihilistic socialist totalitarianistic toadies.

    Oh, just an aside; restaurant workers will piss in your food regardless of your politics. I was a plumber. I’ve been in the kitchens. Sick shit.

    izlamo delenda est …


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