Keep this argument handy when a dumb bint says a baby is a clump of cells – IOTW Report

Keep this argument handy when a dumb bint says a baby is a clump of cells

17 Comments on Keep this argument handy when a dumb bint says a baby is a clump of cells

  1. Like they would admit organs are being harvested.

    Not even after a 4 hour documentary showing every step of the way. “Fake!!”

    Long time nurse friend has a boyfriend that will deny any news articles that go against his politics.

    Cute simple way to argue.

    For a 3 year old.

  2. The same thinking from the past that put such a low value on life through slavery now days exploit the innocence of babies as both a profitable enterprise and when inconvenient a nuisance.
    They lack basic humanity.

  3. I’ve been pregnant. At no point was my daughter anything other than a human, a unique and perfect one-of-a-kind human. When I found out I was preggers I imagined her as a teeny, tiny free-floating person at the end of her cord. Babies are a golden treasure, not convenient medical waste. These ghouls have almost assuredly murdered the Americans that would have cured cancer & other global problems.

  4. Moochoman – I don’t see that happening. The Democrat Party is the party of eugenics & racism.

    The Socialist Progressives in this country have swept under the rug that their fellow Socialists in Germany, the National Socialists, embraced the Democrat Party’s Margaret Sanger, the racist mother of American abortion.

  5. “Not every acorn becomes an oak.”
    But every oak comes from an acorn.

    The “clump of cells” argument is predicated on the belief in the transmogrification of matter – that a thing, can, through its own volition, become something else (and considering the enormous amount of “transformational” and “magical” dreck Hollyweird is turning out, there a quite a number who believe in it).

    That they are hypocrites should surprise no one.
    And anyone who believes that logic will change their minds hasn’t spent any time listening to them.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. @cslamer May 16, 2019 at 6:27 am

    > someday the evil acts they commit in the name of profit will come back to them ten fold.
    > I hope I am there to see it.

    I hope I am, as well.

    I also hope it’s within view of my recliner. ‘Cause I ain’t gettin’ up.

  7. The pro-abos are viciously lashing out these days. They’re frothing-at-the-mouth hysterical. There are a bunch of videos of some young Catholic men visiting various university campuses and passing out anti-abortion leaflets and debating the pro-abos. The pro-abos, besides cursing at the Catholics and constantly hurling the f-word at them, claim men have no say in the matter.

    That is saying you have to murder someone (or be prepared to) to have an opinion about murder.

  8. CNN today featured a bunch of celebs talking about the murders they have committed. I have heard only of three of these sub-human “celebrities”. They all seem very proud of their deeds. They deserve the harshest punishment God can dish out to them.

    Busy Philipps
    Minka Kelly
    Amber Tamblyn
    Cynthia Nixon
    Ashley Judd
    Alia Shawkat
    Jameela Jamil
    Keke Palmer
    Tess Holliday
    Cecile Richards
    Amanda Abbington
    Keala Settle
    Holland Taylor

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