Keep this woman away from leadership, any leadership – IOTW Report

Keep this woman away from leadership, any leadership

Hillary would be a bad leader in any role, including a nail salon. President of the United States? C’mon.

14 Comments on Keep this woman away from leadership, any leadership

  1. Every utterance of Hillary’s “coulda, shoulda, woulda” turns out to be the antithesis of what she does, says, and puts into play. Liar doesn’t even begin to classify her Thighness.

  2. “In short, you see, the essential is to cease being free and to obey, in repentance, a greater rogue than oneself.”

    (“The Fall,” Camus)

    The point of socialism is to make ALL guilty – ALL culpable – so that ALL must choose their own slavery to atone for the sin of existence.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. I believe now that Trump has secretly placed some of his people in the Shrillary Camp as advisors. She just announced an Estate Tax plank in her coffin of 65% top bracket, and middle bracket of 50-55% inheritance tax. This was announced just now on the lefty site Yahoo. Seems like she is trying to chase the bernie/phaxcohontas Warren train as it leaves her platform. She originally said 45% tops. Chase down those voters still sucking the public teat, Cankles. Good Job. Meanwhile she and Slick move their fortunes offshore so Horseface wont pay a dime in estate tax.

  4. The underlying belief system she references from is the left. There is no separation between Hillary and the people who vote for her or the party that has put her so close to the Presidency.

    The lying, deceitfulness and criminal behavior are all her and Bill, but the belief system is shared among them all and they must be run out of the public sphere.

  5. This clip was unnecessary for your denizens, Fur. Sadly, it’s not good enough for the effetes with carrots in their ears.

    I do, however, think the debate(s) will send Trump to a wild, but predicted 73 million (never before) votes. ….Lady in Red

  6. frankly, if illary actually shows up for the debate, I will be surprised.
    count on something big happening (like the demise of Slick) this weekend, so she will ‘have to’ bow out of the debate

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