I apologize, BFH; I don’t know who those two people are…
Woiks fo me. I’m down wit it.
Funny but it’s not like anyone watches the BET Awards anyway.
Looking at these two skanks makes me think of Jheri Curl and the smell that goes along with it.
Funny when you think we could have the WET channel, if we were not judged by character of our ability to qualify for Affirmative Action.
Why would any right thinking white actor want the shame and humiliation that goes with being nominated for a 5th tier award?
Isn’t straightening your hair the worst “cultural appropriation”?
And if that broad ain’t a natural blond then every Swede should be OUTRAGED! #SwedishBlondesCultureMatters
They’re wearing white dresses. Shouldn’t everything be black on BET?
You don’t have to know. It has nothing to do with the two people depicted. It’s simply a picture of the BET Awards.
Not fair. Justin Timberlake and Robin Thicke need a venue to receive accolades–cause apparently they are the only two white people who semm to get awards at these shows
While we’re at it add the “other prestigious black award shows”–The Trumpet awards, the NAACP Image AWards and the horrible Stellar Awards.
It will be very easy to boycott the BET awards because that’s what I’ve been doing for its entire history by never watching anyway.
The one on the left looks like 0bama saluting the flag.
BET is a racist organization!!! Why is there no W(hite)ET??
BET awards, WET awards. I could care less and know almost no one who cares about any of those shows.
Do they have a black caucus award? Like The Guam Tipping Prevention Award?
being a mate of a ‘natural’ blond’, i.e. the drapes match the rug …great post!
Excellent point, Fur. I listened to a woman named April Rain (couldn’t figure out if she was a black porn star or what, exactly) on talk radio this week. She’s spearheading the fight against the Academy of Arts and Sciences (boy, they had humble beginnings) on this issue. Her org is called “Oscars So White”.
She kept saying that it wasn’t about being black but that Hollywood doesn’t produce enough films that reflect what she called the “diversity” of American audiences. As the interview wore on she made it more clear that she meant that films don’t have enough black people. I can’t remember who interviewed her, but he pointed out the number of recent films made by, about and for blacks, gays, and every other kind of non-white. He named Oscar winning actors, filmmakers, writers and so on but she insisted it wasn’t enough because the majority of ticket purchasers are black per capita.
I wonder how Hollywood is going to deal with this. I wonder how far they will let the activists go.
Not far, because we’re talking about serious, serious money, and no one is going to sink money into movies that may lose money because of social justice.
Anyone can pick up a placard and create a hashtag. That costs nothing.
Put a movie together that doesn’t have wide appeal to white people and you might be tossing away millions.
I have cable but I have never seen BET. Is it only for blacks?
why would someone give anyone a forum when they spout nonsense like ‘the majority of ticket purchasers are black per capita.’?
if that were true then ‘black’ movies would be produced ad infinitum … if nothing more then the demand from ‘black per capita’.
…it’s all about the Benjamins
Yes, you can’t see it on cable if your white….
Today’s New York Post, 1/21/16. Front page.
“Weekend will be WHITER THAN THE OSCARS.”
Uppa u ass spikey,
12.5% population (in US)….always chuckled at the joke about how come there weren’t any Mexican’s in Schindler’s List.
“wide appeal to white people.” Like the people who made Spike Lee and Oprah who the Phuck they are.
What I meant was it only offered to black households.
Doesn’t Hillary get an award for being a flat-broke black woman who is “no waayz tirreed”?
Wife of first black president gotsta count for sumthin?
Of course he cheated on her, not that that is a black thing exclusively…
BFH, only a mean racist would even think there was some kind of double standard here. Blacks are oppressed, and don’t you forget it! /s
And what about brown people? No Beaner Entertainment Television Awards?
Joan and the media turned it into a fine art.
Fuckin’ low tide.
Not all Hollyweird leftist black actors agree the boycott is necessary. An actress betrayed by the henpecked Will Smith when he was a sitcom star on the tv series, “Fresh Prince” a hit in the 1990s, has an interesting rant;
OK that’s freaking funny
I apologize, BFH; I don’t know who those two people are…
Woiks fo me. I’m down wit it.
Funny but it’s not like anyone watches the BET Awards anyway.
Looking at these two skanks makes me think of Jheri Curl and the smell that goes along with it.
Funny when you think we could have the WET channel, if we were not judged by character of our ability to qualify for Affirmative Action.
Why would any right thinking white actor want the shame and humiliation that goes with being nominated for a 5th tier award?
Isn’t straightening your hair the worst “cultural appropriation”?
And if that broad ain’t a natural blond then every Swede should be OUTRAGED! #SwedishBlondesCultureMatters
They’re wearing white dresses. Shouldn’t everything be black on BET?
You don’t have to know. It has nothing to do with the two people depicted. It’s simply a picture of the BET Awards.
Speaking of Jheri Curl: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZ0WFzxPlKI
Not fair. Justin Timberlake and Robin Thicke need a venue to receive accolades–cause apparently they are the only two white people who semm to get awards at these shows
While we’re at it add the “other prestigious black award shows”–The Trumpet awards, the NAACP Image AWards and the horrible Stellar Awards.
It will be very easy to boycott the BET awards because that’s what I’ve been doing for its entire history by never watching anyway.
The one on the left looks like 0bama saluting the flag.
BET is a racist organization!!! Why is there no W(hite)ET??
BET awards, WET awards. I could care less and know almost no one who cares about any of those shows.
Do they have a black caucus award? Like The Guam Tipping Prevention Award?
being a mate of a ‘natural’ blond’, i.e. the drapes match the rug …great post!
Excellent point, Fur. I listened to a woman named April Rain (couldn’t figure out if she was a black porn star or what, exactly) on talk radio this week. She’s spearheading the fight against the Academy of Arts and Sciences (boy, they had humble beginnings) on this issue. Her org is called “Oscars So White”.
She kept saying that it wasn’t about being black but that Hollywood doesn’t produce enough films that reflect what she called the “diversity” of American audiences. As the interview wore on she made it more clear that she meant that films don’t have enough black people. I can’t remember who interviewed her, but he pointed out the number of recent films made by, about and for blacks, gays, and every other kind of non-white. He named Oscar winning actors, filmmakers, writers and so on but she insisted it wasn’t enough because the majority of ticket purchasers are black per capita.
I wonder how Hollywood is going to deal with this. I wonder how far they will let the activists go.
Not far, because we’re talking about serious, serious money, and no one is going to sink money into movies that may lose money because of social justice.
Anyone can pick up a placard and create a hashtag. That costs nothing.
Put a movie together that doesn’t have wide appeal to white people and you might be tossing away millions.
I have cable but I have never seen BET. Is it only for blacks?
why would someone give anyone a forum when they spout nonsense like ‘the majority of ticket purchasers are black per capita.’?
if that were true then ‘black’ movies would be produced ad infinitum … if nothing more then the demand from ‘black per capita’.
…it’s all about the Benjamins
Yes, you can’t see it on cable if your white….
Today’s New York Post, 1/21/16. Front page.
“Weekend will be WHITER THAN THE OSCARS.”
Uppa u ass spikey,
12.5% population (in US)….always chuckled at the joke about how come there weren’t any Mexican’s in Schindler’s List.
“wide appeal to white people.” Like the people who made Spike Lee and Oprah who the Phuck they are.
What I meant was it only offered to black households.
Doesn’t Hillary get an award for being a flat-broke black woman who is “no waayz tirreed”?
Wife of first black president gotsta count for sumthin?
Of course he cheated on her, not that that is a black thing exclusively…
BFH, only a mean racist would even think there was some kind of double standard here. Blacks are oppressed, and don’t you forget it! /s
Here’s the latest protest.
So no more hyphenation for TheCommunity?
Blacks invented racism?
And what about brown people? No Beaner Entertainment Television Awards?
Joan and the media turned it into a fine art.
Fuckin’ low tide.
Not all Hollyweird leftist black actors agree the boycott is necessary. An actress betrayed by the henpecked Will Smith when he was a sitcom star on the tv series, “Fresh Prince” a hit in the 1990s, has an interesting rant;
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=T–lnnMwwjU .