From Oliver Anthony Music Facebook page
People in the music industry give me blank stares when I brush off 8 million dollar offers. I don’t want 6 tour buses, 15 tractor trailers and a jet. I don’t want to play stadium shows, I don’t want to be in the spotlight. I wrote the music I wrote because I was suffering with mental health and depression. These songs have connected with millions of people on such a deep level because they’re being sung by someone feeling the words in the very moment they were being sung. No editing, no agent, no bulls—. Just some idiot and his guitar. The style of music that we should have never gotten away from in the first place.
Oliver Anthony Music on Facebook
Note: According to the artist Facebook page, his actually named Christopher Anthony Lunsford. Oliver Anthony was his Appalachian grandfather who is an inspiration to Mr. Lunsford.
Oliver Anthony
Sturgis motorcycle rally’s empty Budweiser tent
Good for him!
Well, this way he retains control over his songs and when and where he sings them.
I’ve been listening to more of his songs. He sounds a lot like Bocephus. A lot edgier though. I like the hell out of his stuff.
Keeping it real, that’s for sure.
The industry is sad because they were already to box him up and control him, put him through the usual ringer and process his sound to get their big cut. Screw the music industry.
Good, he’ll do fine and then some.
Now there’s a guy fighting for “truth, justice, and happiness” with a little of the American “way” about him.
I saw a video of him performing this past week in Currituck, NC. The very large crowd was loudly singing along with him even though the song has only been in public one week.
A line from the song:
“I wish politicians would look out for miners / And not just MINORS on an island somewhere.”
He gets it and I hope he is opening eyes of citizens nationwide.
May God continue to bless his music
May God bless him. It’s tear jerking to hear some of the stuff written on social media about what tuff times people have gone through and how this song just hit home and effected them. What’s amazing is the Hip Hop and Black Artists are in awe of this guy. They love him. He does have a universal message.
How many times have you heard someone say
If I had his money I could do things my way
But little they know that is so hard to find one rich man in ten with a satisfied mind
Once I was waiting in fortune and fame
Everything that I dreamed for to get a start in life’s game
But suddenly it happened that I lost every dime
But I’m richer by far with a satisfied mind
Money can’t buy back your youth when you’re old
Or a friend when you’re lonely or a love that’s grown cold
The wealthiest person is a pauper at times compared to the man with a satisfied mind
When life has ended my time has run out
My friends and my loved ones I’ll leave them no doubt
But one thing for certain when it comes my time
I’ll leave this old world with a satisfied mind
Mark my words: The hot topic being discussed in the smoky back rooms and bathhouses in and around DC and most State capitols is how The Party needs to work together to discredit this man. The Republican establishment will be sending out messengers like Romney, Ryan, Bushites, and their punditry in the media to deliver the message. Democrats will be working with them behind the scenes to develop and focus group the narrative.
The up side of this is it risks blowing up in their faces and severely damaging their brand. Yes, The Party has a common brand they have been marketing to the American people for decades. The Democrats have their own Brand that they openly market to their followers and then deliver on. The Party has a brand, but it’s more complicated due to the Republican establishment’s feigned opposition to it, but both the Democrats and Republican establishment work together to deliver on it. The Republican establishment has a brand, but it’s all marketing hype and they could not care less about delivering on what they have sold a bill of goods for.
This one individual has exposed members of the public that the media has been preventing from considering to a point of view that Constitutional conservative have been trying to get out for decades.
His message is absolutely true, concise, compelling and relatable to damn near the entire population. I have absolutely no doubt that there is more concern and panic among the political class about this song than about anything else since their transparent and obvious theft of the 2020 Presidential election. In the case of this song an attack on it will not be a directed attack on MAGA, it will be the equivalent of Bud Lite’s attack on something that resonates across the political spectrum.
Allow me to rewrite that second paragraph to better express my thoughts:
This one individual has exposed members of the public to a message that the media has been preventing from consideration to a point of view that Constitutional conservative have been trying to get out for decades.
last weekhesaid Bocephes was his role model!
Let’s pray the music industry doesn’t throw a bunch of beautiful women at him. I don’t have much faith in the human race anymore.