Keith Ellison Has A History Of Support For Radicals – IOTW Report

Keith Ellison Has A History Of Support For Radicals

Daily Caller: Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison, vice-chair of the Democratic National Committee, sparked controversy on Wednesday by tweeting an apparent endorsement of violent left-wing group Antifa.

Ellison’s endorsement of the group, which the Department of Homeland Security says is responsible for “domestic terrorist violence,” is just the latest instance of Ellison publicly attaching himself to radical figures and ideologies.

Ellison once defended famed anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan, head of the Nation of Islam, against charges of anti-Semitism. In an op-ed for the Washington Post last year, Ellison said he should have more closely scrutinized Farrakhan, who once said Hitler was a “very great man,” but blamed a “right-wing smear campaign” for any questions raised about his ties to anti-Semitic figures.

Ellison has his own history of radical positions, including advocating for black nationalism. During college, he wrote columns arguing for the creation of a blacks-only ethnostate and called the U.S. Constitution the “best evidence of a white racist conspiracy to subjugate other peoples.” Similarly, while speaking at a protest following in 1992, Ellison declared that black people don’t live in a democracy and don’t have an “obligation” to obey government.

While speaking to an atheist group in 2007, Ellison compared the Sept. 11 attacks to the Reichstag fire. He stopped just short of accusing then-President George W. Bush of having a hand in the attacks.   more here

5 Comments on Keith Ellison Has A History Of Support For Radicals

  1. The guy is a Muslim. Nuff said. And I refuse the term ‘radical muslim’ because to embrace that ideology automatically makes one a hate filled monster. There is no such thing as a moderate muzz.

  2. The guy is a fucking communist. Everything else is subordinate to that threat. A Fifth Column characterized by democrats like Ellison is supported by the Chinese communist party and its expansionism.

    That other piece of shit commie at West Point, Spencer Rapone may be accurate if we don’t start paying attention, attacking them for what they are. Folks with kids need to wire their head and ass together about China, it’s plans, agents like Ellison and the DNC.

  3. He hates himself.
    He hates America.
    He hates God.

    He embraced izlam because izlam worships Satan.
    But – BUT – in America, it isn’t required that you love America to represent your particular constituency. You have only to maintain the pretense of honoring the Constitution – which, of course, very few do – House, Senate, Executive, or Judiciary – most use it as a cover, or a blanket, behind which to steal and perform their various Treasons.

    izlamo delenda est …

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