Keith Ellison Running For Attorney Gen. with Inactive Law License – IOTW Report

Keith Ellison Running For Attorney Gen. with Inactive Law License

BLP: One of the Democrat party’s loudest mouthpieces has found himself in quite an embarrassing situation.

Rep. Keith Ellison’s (D-MN), who has served as a Representative for Minnesota’s 5th District since 2007 is currently running to become the Attorney General of Minnesota. He announced that he would be running for Minnesota Attorney General in early June, however, there’s just one problem. Ellison as of date does not have an active attorney’s license, making him ineligible to practice law in the state of Minnesota.

In Minnesota, it is not required that the state Attorney General have an active law license, but one would expect those running to become the leading voice of law within the state, the highest appointed attorney in the state to have an active attorney’s license.

21 Comments on Keith Ellison Running For Attorney Gen. with Inactive Law License

  1. If Ellison gets elected Attorney General of Minnesota, the state will have to change it’s name from “Land of 1000 Lakes” to “Land of 1000 Cesspools”.

    You can have your hijab in any color you want as long as it is black.

    I could go on and on and on………….

  2. –Minnesota–
    “Giving aid and comfort to the Muslim invaders so you don’t have to.”

    A bit long for their license plates, but would look nice on the border welcome signs on the Interstates.

  3. Anonymous JULY 18, 2018 AT 3:55 PM
    So long as he stays at a Holiday Inn Express sometime before the election, he can say he’s qualified!
    What a maroon.

    I’d say it’s the voters in the state that are the “maroons.” Also Bugs, besides their pretty color they’re not very bright.

  4. Would be nice also if your Attorney General wasn’t a biased partisan hack who only cares about their party and it’s members. Good luck Minnesota Conservatives.

  5. Maybe he’ll claim legal precedence:

    After all America has had a president who wasn’t a citizen.
    (and a first lady who was no lady!)


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