Keith Ellison’s Saudi Arabia Trip Included Meetings With Radical Cleric, Bank That Funds Suicide Bombings – IOTW Report

Keith Ellison’s Saudi Arabia Trip Included Meetings With Radical Cleric, Bank That Funds Suicide Bombings

WFB: Rep. Keith Ellison (D., Minn.) during a 2008 trip to Saudi Arabia met with a radical Muslim cleric who endorsed killing U.S. soldiers and with the president of a bank used to pay the families of Palestinian suicide bombers.

Ellison, now a leading candidate to head the Democratic National Committee, was brought to Saudi Arabia for a two-week trip by the Muslim American Society (MAS), a group founded by members of the Muslim Brotherhood to act as its “overt arm” in the United States.


Details of Ellison’s religious pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia are scarce, but photographs discovered by the Washington Free Beacon show that Ellison met with controversial figures during the trip.

photo album of Ellison’s hajj trip posted by MAS’s Minnesota chapter includes a picture of the congressman meeting with Sheikh Abdallah Bin Bayyah, who was vice president of a Muslim Brotherhood-created group that in 2004 issued a fatwa urging “jihad” against U.S. troops in Iraq and supported the Palestinians’ Second Intifada against Israel.  more here

6 Comments on Keith Ellison’s Saudi Arabia Trip Included Meetings With Radical Cleric, Bank That Funds Suicide Bombings

  1. Is this pig going to be seated in the next congress?
    He doesn’t have to be.
    There’s plenty of precedent.
    His acts are treasonous.
    He has the burden of proof in showing they’re not.
    The House should seriously consider and REFUSE to seat him.

  2. He should wear his muzz name proudly, what is it?

    Meeting with known terrorist supporters has probably radicalized him. He should be prosecuted and impeached and thrown into prison.

  3. On a previous thread I was going to add “Moderate Muslim = Islamic Psycho” to make the point that there is no such thing as moderate Islam.

    This safe, moderate, American Muslim who is connected with the “brotherhood” is being tapped to head the DNC. There is no moderate Islam. Muslim ideology cannot co-exist with the American Republic.

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