Keith Richards Gives Up Hard Liquor – Says He Doesn’t Notice Anything Different – IOTW Report

Keith Richards Gives Up Hard Liquor – Says He Doesn’t Notice Anything Different

He might not feel a difference, but the hard liquor industry does.

Another hilariously unintentional comment by Richards–>

He says giving up drinking was an adjustment, “but I don’t notice any difference really—except for I don’t drink.”

How pickled are you that you can give up hard drinking and you don’t notice a change?


Keith Richards and Jack Daniels are no longer one of rock music’s most famous pairings. The famously hard-partying Rolling Stone tells Rolling Stone that he has almost completely quit drinking and has given up hard liquor entirely. “It’s been about a year now,” says Richards, who turns 75 next week. “I pulled the plug on it. I got fed up with it.” He says he still has “a glass of wine occasionally, and a beer,” but with liquor, “it was time to quit. Just like all the other stuff.” Richards has previously said that he quit drugs after a 1977 arrest in Canada for heroin possession, the Guardian notes. He says giving up drinking was an adjustment, “but I don’t notice any difference really—except for I don’t drink.”


21 Comments on Keith Richards Gives Up Hard Liquor – Says He Doesn’t Notice Anything Different

  1. Um, no, wrinkly old rocker guy, you’re supposed to give up ALL liquor before you say, “I don’t drink”. And you should also actually stop dressing like a mannequin at the upscale pirate store.

  2. “he has almost completely quit drinking” ….
    Beer and Wine don’t count.
    When addicted to alcohol, anything will do.
    Hope he’s not drinking mouthwash.

    I almost quit breathing. But I didn’t.

  3. @Goldenfoxx December 14, 2018 at 10:53 am

    > His meme should say: “If I knew I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself.”

    Naw. “If I knew I was still going to live this long, I would have partied harder.”

  4. When asked years ago to react to the comment that only he and cockroaches would survive a nuclear war, Richards responded:

    “Good, I will need something to eat won’t I.”

    He looks like shit because he’s always looked like shit. The dope and booze use is overhyped as part of rock and roll’s mystique. He could be a vegetarian monk for all we really know.

  5. When he dies, will he start to decompose, or will the alcohol preserve him?

    When he’s in his casket, will they put him face down?

    Will he donate whatever is left of his body to medical research?

    Is there any reason why anyone would want to steal his corpse?

    Could an enterprising pub owner buy the body and display it in a pickle jar?


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