Kelli Ward on John McCain and Who He Called Heroes – IOTW Report

Kelli Ward on John McCain and Who He Called Heroes

9 Comments on Kelli Ward on John McCain and Who He Called Heroes

  1. Obama and Hillary were amateurs in over their heads in Libya. John McCain had been in the senate for decades and had been in the military. There is no excuse for his conduct in arming radicals in the Middle East.

  2. As usual, all of the Trump bashing contains no substance. No, “When Trump did X I thought he should have done Y”. Or, “I disagree with Trump because this, this and this would have had a better result in my opinion”. No, its all a mean-girl, ad hominem hate-fest.

  3. Ward nailed it. McStain was a vile, vindictive, bitter toad….a traitor to his core and he was deeply involved in child sex trafficking. The powers that be have so much shit on this monster and the prick had no way out.

    Cindy is relieved….they haven’t been ‘married’ for decades..

  4. So when Megham McCain get’s her huge ovation when she is on the next The View, someone should remind her of all the young women who have been brutally rape in Syria, Iraq and Libya thanks to her father’s pet project of arming what has become ISIS. She should also think about the waves of so-called refugees that are invading Europe and the 700,000 that are now waiting off the Coast of Libya as I type, all thanks to Barry, Hillary and her dearly departed father. Amazing what 3 narcissists can do to wreck countries in 3(soon to be 4 with Justin’s help) continents when they put their minds to it.


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