Kelli Ward’s campaign against McCain – IOTW Report

Kelli Ward’s campaign against McCain

TriValleyCentral: CASA GRANDE — Former state Sen. Kelli Ward compared her GOP primary race against U.S. Sen. John McCain to a “David and Goliath” situation.

kelli ward AZ

McCain, a five-term senator who ran for U.S. president in 2008, has greater name recognition, Ward admitted, and will likely always have more available cash to spend on campaigning. McCain reported having about $5 million on hand at the end of 2015, according to the Federal Election Commission.  

But she told a handful of supporters in Casa Grande on Monday that the Biblical David, the underdog, still came out the victor.

Ward proudly presents herself as an outsider ready to shake up the “Washington Establishment.” The physician from Lake Havasu City said the country has reached a turning point where both Republicans and Democrats are fed up with “career politicians” they’re voting to represent them.

“Politically, the landscape is such that people are ready for a change,” Ward said. “They don’t like the direction that the country is going in and they don’t like what’s happening in Washington, D.C..”

Her political views fall in line with a conservative ideology: shrinking government influence, protecting constitutional rights and cutting taxes.


11 Comments on Kelli Ward’s campaign against McCain

  1. Keli,

    I will gladly send you fifty dollars if it helps this country get rid of that useless old man.
    What a piece of shit….Both he and his girlfriend Lindsay need to go to Vermont, get married, then jump off a bridge.

  2. Might want to mention this, Kelli:

    “Put simply, Huma represents what is best about America: the daughter of immigrants, who has risen to the highest levels of our government on the basis of her substantial personal merit and her abiding commitment to the American ideals that she embodies so fully,” McCain said. “I am proud to know Huma and to call her my friend.”

  3. Dear John,
    You were a good soldier.
    You walked the walk far better than most.
    You stood in the breach and did not falter.
    You had a good run in the senate, longer than most.
    Now it’s time to fade away and write your memoirs.
    Don’t let the door hit you on the ass.

  4. I first heard Kelli on a local radio station giving an interview. She said the main reason she decided to run was because when she speculated about it to one of her fellow representatives, they told her, “YOU can’t run!… It’s not your TURN!”.
    Since then, I’ve had my pen out, just waiting for the ballot to arrive…

  5. Gun Owners of America Endorses Kelli Ward in Primary Challenge Against John McCain

    I keep telling people to direct their Second Amendment donations AWAY from the NRA-ILA and to GOA and this is exactly why.

    John McCain gets a D- rating from GOA. In 2004 ratings, McCain scored an F- with GOA and a C with the NRA. In 2010 McCain rated B+ with the NRA. By 2012 McCain was down to a D- rating from GOA. GOA described a D- rating as, “Leans Anti-Gun: usually against us.”

  6. I hope this woman defeats McCain in the primary and beats him soundly. Based on his Senate record over the years he does not deserve to resign or retire but to be fired by the people he did such a disservice to over the years.

  7. More:

    I strongly encourage others to direct their Second Amendment donations AWAY from the NRA-ILA and to send them to Gun Owners of America (GOA) instead, and this is exactly why. Keep donating to NRA programs that support competition, firearms safety and training, but unless and until the NRA-ILA and NRA-PVF start doing a better job – the money you send their way could be much better spent with GOA.

    John McCain gets a D- rating from GOA. In 2004 ratings, McCain scored an F- with GOA and a C with the NRA. In 2010 McCain rated B+ with the NRA. By 2012 McCain was down to a D- rating from GOA. GOA described a D- rating as, “Leans Anti-Gun: usually against us.”

    I hate to say it, but at this juncture the NRA-PVF is in the back pocket of the establishment Republican machine and is not working in the best interest of gun owners or anyone who takes the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights seriously.

  8. @JDHasty (sure wish we had a reply button) – agree about the NRA. They’re endorsed some pretty shifty candidates, based on their gun positions only. Can they not understand that the leftists will always vote with the leftists? I am a member of GOA and I do support the NRA programs you mention.

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