Kelly Ayotte: The Ultimate Knockoff Liberal – IOTW Report

Kelly Ayotte: The Ultimate Knockoff Liberal

MadisonProject: In 2010 she ran as a pro-life conservative to replace retiring Senator Judd Gregg in New Hampshire, narrowly squeaking past Ovide Lamontagne in the Republican primary (we endorsed Ovide) before cruising to victory in the general election with 60% of the vote.

kelly ayotte and romney

Entering the United States Senate with her conservative bone fides, many expected Ayotte to be a transformative force. She has been anything but transformative, quickly falling into the pattern we have seen established by many GOPers. Run as a conservative, govern as a liberal.

During her first Congress, Ayotte “enjoyed” a 73% on the Heritage Action scorecard. In the 113th Congress, she dropped to 48% and in the 114th, her slide into abysmal continued to a 29% against the average GOP Senator score of 62%.

On our Performance Index (that measures Members of Congress to their districts and states), Ayotte scores a paltry -15.   read more

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