Kellyanne Conway Being Attacked For Balancing Responsible Motherhood With Ambition – IOTW Report

Kellyanne Conway Being Attacked For Balancing Responsible Motherhood With Ambition

NY Post-

Watch out, women of America. The feminocracy is trying to keep us in our places.

When The Donald’s campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, 49 — the first female in history to run a successful presidential campaign — dared to suggest last week that she’s reluctant to accept a full-time position in the Trump administration in order to better perform her important duties as mother to four children, ages 7 through 12, an anti-Conway campaign was launched by buttinsky feminists.

They saw fit to bash Conway for making her family her No. 1 priority, and expressed a level of outrage that reveals a disheartening kind of reverse sexism.

Perhaps the weirdest Conway condemnation was posted on Refinery29 by Lindsey Stanberry, who attempted to out-mommy the mommy she believes is discouraging gals from working themselves into early graves.

“I woke up at 5 a.m. today,’’ Stanberry writes. “Before 6 a.m. I had breast-fed my 3-month-old baby, changed two very poopy diapers, eaten breakfast, and started a load of laundry. By 9, I had been at my desk for an hour, sent several emails, edited a story, read the morning news, and pumped three ounces of breast milk.’’

Then this patronizing bit: “It’s totally fine if Conway wants to make her children her top priority right now. . . . But it seems as if Conway doesn’t think that any mother should be working in the White House.’’ Rubbish.

No mention as to whether the writer has a husband, partner, domestic employee, friend or relative to help feed, bathe and change her child’s very poopy diapers.

The mom-shaming is out of control. And it’s practiced mainly by women on the left, although Washington Post political columnist (paywall) Dana Milbank (a guy) asserted that Conway is “playing the woman card.’’

Critics seem to be attempting to pigeonhole women as proverbial barefoot, pregnant kitchen-dwellers, or working warriors. Never both.


20 Comments on Kellyanne Conway Being Attacked For Balancing Responsible Motherhood With Ambition

  1. Biggest enemy of women is leftist women.
    They do everything they can to tear a woman down and then say men are sexist.

    Oh wow, that Stanberry chick sounds like she’s busier than an army soldier before 9am.
    She edited one story that was written by someone else. What a fucking hero.
    Her life partner must be so proud. Whoever ze is.

  2. Those are not Feminists. A true feminist understands roles. Understands the importance of motherhood. Understands that The State cannot be a substitute for solid supportive home. Kellyanne is the true feminist.

  3. I’ve felt the insults from leftist women because I chose to leave my job and bring our son up and homeschool him. The first was within weeks of leaving my job and moving to a new house. We were at a neighborhood Christmas party and a woman walked up, introduced herself and asked, “So, what do you do?”. Being skeptical of such an immediate attempt to pigeonhole me, I told her “what I do”, leaving out the part that I had been a police officer for 15 years. (I wouldn’t have told her, anyway) She sneered, said “how nice” and “will you excuse me?” and walked on.

    That’s the tolerant left for ya! And that was just the beginning.

  4. If Kellyanne Conway has 4 young children the very best place she can be is fully involved in their lives. Chances are the campaign was enough of a commitment that she realized she needed to be spending more time with the family. I bet her kids are happy. And I bet Donald is happy for her too.

  5. “and pumped three ounces of breast milk”
    One task not needed if you’d just stay home with the kid.
    And in 17 years, you’ll wonder why the kid thinks you’re just a cow.

  6. @Conservative Cowgirl – that b*atch is just jealous. One of the best comebacks for that question I’ve ever heard, and can’t wait to have a chance to use it – when someone asks you what you do, just say “I get up every morning.”

  7. @Southwesterner December 16, 2016 at 1:02 pm

    > The herd of rabid howler monkeys continues it trek across America. Sooner rather than later they will have to be rounded them up and euthanized.


    (PETA has emptied so many zoos and circus “winter” homes, that there is plenty of room for “no kill” shelters, where they can screech out their days, happily flinging their feces.)

  8. Kellyaanbe has been the good Mom all year. First priority for her children was take care of something that had done this year. Do all she could to insure her children would have an America worth living in as adults. With that accomplished she can now go back to doing whatever needs doing over the next 18 to twenty-four years.

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