Powerline: During an appearance on Fox News, senior White House adviser Kellyanne Conway plugged Ivanka Trump’s product lines. Speaking from the White House, she said:

Go buy Ivanka’s stuff. . .I’m going to go get some myself today. I’m going to give a free commercial here: Go buy it today, everybody.

By saying this, Conway appears to have violated an ethics rule that prohibits a federal employee from “us[ing] his public office for his own private gain [or] for the endorsement of any product, service, or enterprise. . .” Reportedly, she was “counseled” by someone in the White House about this.

The rules are the rules. If Conway violated this rule, she should be told not to do it again.

In context, however, it’s easy to understand why Conway said what she did. The context is a campaign by leftists to ruin the business of the president’s daughter.

I’m pretty sure this tactic is unprecedented. For example, even though leftists hated Ronald Reagan, I don’t recall any organized attempt to inflict economic damage on any of his four adult children.


However, this isn’t good enough for Republican congressman Jason Chaffetz, chairman of House of Representatives Oversight committee. Along with Rep. Elijah Cummings, the ultra-partisan ranking Democrat on the committee who did his best to undermine investigations into the Obama administration’s misconduct, he asked the Office of Government Ethics (OGE) to review Conway’s comments and recommend disciplinary action against her if warranted.



  1. So, what was Mooch doing in a Subway store touting their wonderful sammiches. Or what about when she took that famous trip to Target?

    What, she doesn’t hold public office, so it was ok? Well, then why was she able to tell schools what to serve kids?

    I hate liberal-think.

  2. Chuck Todd: Kellyanne, does president Trump understand that this ban will hurt the need for foreign workers in the state of Washington?
    Kellyanne: No, that is not the president’s view at all. He actually wants to prevent the influx of burqa. You See, Mr Trump was the owner of Miss USA. He has gorgeous children and a gorgeous wife. He would like all of the US to be gorgeous.
    Chuck Todd: So if you say you don’t want the burqa, isn’t that a Muslim ban?
    Kellyanne: What are you, some gay pussy?

  3. Jason Chaffetz should get serious about pursuing the Clintons, instead of playing up his even handed righteousness. Mitt Romney isn’t President. Watching Chaffetz trying to deal with those obvious Democrat plants at his town meeting was laughable. Why didn’t he ask them to introduce themselves and state their political affiliations.

  4. I hope that someone in Trump’s camp is keeping a ledger of the Republicans as to who is acting as an obstruction and/or aiding the liberals in their constant attacks and sabotage of his attempt to bring America back as both economic and moral authority to the world.

  5. Chaffetz Is a schmuck.

    Yes, she crossed a line and the others (Biden, and the Obamas) actually didn’t. Big deal! She’s no fool, better to ask forgiveness later than to ask permission first.

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