Kellyanne Conway Gets Better and Better – IOTW Report

Kellyanne Conway Gets Better and Better

Here she is weighing in on the dunderhead Meryl Streep.

It’s a tough job switching gears. Conway is, above all, a republican strategist. But she wasn’t a Trump supporter, she was a Cruz supporter. I remember seeing this interview with Jan Helfeld where he wants her to say that Trump hurts the Republican party because he’s a bully. She won’t do that, but does eventually say that she doesn’t like Trump’s insulting ways.

I admire her poise, particularly holding it together with the very annoying Helfeld.


14 Comments on Kellyanne Conway Gets Better and Better

  1. Maybe the Democrats should’ve run Kellyanne, instead of the compulsively lying, crazy-aunt nutty, chronically ill, morally debilitated, ethically challenged, hubris-infested, carpet-bagging beast from New York.

  2. Good job KAC, those hollywood lightweights are prissy pussies that just cannot believe they didn’t get things their way (they are quite used to that) and don’t know how to deal with it. They are having a huge temper tantrum, none worse than spoiled little snowflake sparklefart princess 8-yr old meryl streep. The little frs never shoveled snow, baled hay, fed livestock, or walked 6 miles to school uphill both ways.

  3. I wonder how ole Serge Kovaleski feels being portrayed as a spastic idiot by the leftist MSM? The whole world thinks Serge acts exactly like Trump did in that clip. Is it worth to him to denigrate Trump? Maybe the 99 second Radio Show could give him a call to let him tell his side of the story?

    See Serge here:

    And isn’t it odd that no major TeeVee news has ever interviewed him about the supposed mocking? If he really were a spastic fool, they would. But since he isn’t, it would destroy the lie. This lie about Trump is textbook #FakeNews.

  4. Hollywood is just a another part of the swamp. America needs to wake up and stop watching these people of television and stop paying to see their movies. Best way to deal with these hypocritical snobs is to cut off their income and show them just how irrelevant they are in the scheme of things.

  5. Menderman,
    That was my point from day one of this “controversy.”

    The man is a well-spoken, measured and articulate writer. He is nothing at all like the “imitation” Trump is supposedly doing of him.

    The public ignorantly believes the writer is a spastic drooling handicapped guy, not a guy with a frozen arm and hand.

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