Ken Starr – Nasty woman DID TRIGGER Vince Foster’s Suicide – IOTW Report

Ken Starr – Nasty woman DID TRIGGER Vince Foster’s Suicide


Ken Starr says Hillary Clinton DID trigger Vince Foster’s suicide when she humiliated him in front of White House staff and admits he omitted the finding in FBI report because he didn’t want to ‘inflict further pain’ on her

  • FBI agents investigating the death  of Deputy White House Counsel Vince Foster learned that a dressing down by Hillary Clinton in front of staff triggered his suicide
  • Independent counsel Ken Starr had omitted the finding in his FBI report but has finally admitted it to investigative journalist Ronald Kessler 
  • Starr explained he ‘did not want to inflict further pain’ on Hillary by revealing how her humiliation of Foster had pushed him over the edge
  • He had issued a 38,000-word report, along with a psychologist’s report on the factors contributing to Foster’s suicide, but didn’t mention the key meeting 
  • Hillary attacked and humiliated Foster in front of other White House aides a week before he took his own life on July 20, 1993 
  • ‘Hillary put him down really, really bad in a pretty good-size meeting. She told him he would always be a little hick town lawyer who was obviously not ready for the big time,’ former FBI agent Coy Copeland told Kessler
  • ‘Foster was profoundly depressed, but Hillary lambasting him was the final straw because she embarrassed him,’ former FBI supervisory agent Jim Clemente said
  • Starr admitted to leaving out the meeting to Kessler at the 2019 Annapolis Book Festival last weekend

26 Comments on Ken Starr – Nasty woman DID TRIGGER Vince Foster’s Suicide

  1. “She told him he would always be a little hick town lawyer who was obviously not ready for the big time,”

    He volunteered to tag along with the bitch and grovel for any bone she threw him. Are we supposed to feel sorry for any of these shitbags?

  2. A person is responsible for their own decisions and suicide is a permanent remedy to a temporary discomfort. Only a weak minded individual would allow a bully to persuade him to take his own life.

    Is Hillary a snarling, mean spirited, ugly monster?

    You could have just walked away. Or run away.

  3. Still does not explain why there was no gun and no blood where Foster’s body was found. I have no doubt Hillary had Foster killed like all the others who became a concern to one of the Clintons.

  4. @ Tony R APRIL 10, 2019 AT 5:32 PM

    I punched out a pervert scoutmaster pretty good when I was a young teenager. He went to another troop and molested a half dozen scouts. It’s kinda’ enigmatic for me to understand why people would put up with others violating them.

  5. Shot himself in the back of the head – twice. Rolled himself up in a carpet, and then deposited himself in two DIFFERENT locations in a D.C. Park, did he?

    Well it was damned INCONSIDERATE of him, to lay that much guilt on poor, misunderstood Hitlery alright! 🙄

  6. ‘….was profoundly depressed…” or perhaps he new the jig was up!
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  7. Ken Starr, you worthless POS!! If you would have done your job years ago the whole world would be a better place. I sure hope this statement doesn’t humiliate, and trigger you into an unfortunate course of action.

  8. A long time ago, I used to run work in the field for a large, heavy construction company. As I was working into that position, I was taught various things. One of them was:
    “Praise in public, criticize in private.’
    Wise words for anyone who wants to preserve harmony in the workplace.

    Otherwise, clinton is a fucking bitch, who only knows how to abuse people.
    And I’m not convinced Foster actually did take his own life, either.

  9. I’d just as soon read a love story about butt-fuckers, than a story requiring sympathy for any lawyer.

    Aren’t they all incompetent, parasitic, subhuman? Apparently, it’s true.

  10. Starr, former Baylor University President, was run off for covering up rapes committed by athletes. I suspect he lacked the testicular fortitude to accuse the Clintons of murder, so he came up with this “humiliation” garbage.

  11. Foster’s daughter was flying in from out of town to have lunch with Vince and to get a personal tour of the White House.

    A father doesn’t do something like that to a daughter.

    When daughter Laura pushed for a deeper investigation, she was given the old cover-up-lie response, “That won’t bring your father back, dear.”

    Same line was given to Judge Scalia’s son when he pushed for an autopsy and for a deeper investigation, “That won’t bring your father back, son “


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