Kennedy Asks – ” Is this the most repulsive woman in politics? “ – IOTW Report

Kennedy Asks – ” Is this the most repulsive woman in politics? “

Read Kennedy’s essay HERE

14 Comments on Kennedy Asks – ” Is this the most repulsive woman in politics? “

  1. There Ain’t Nothin’ Like the Real Thing Baby! From some 70’s song.

    I’d say pedophiles will not go for sex dolls until all live possibilities have been exhausted, say by 3am. I doubt she has any studies (done by other than weirdos) to back her claim.

    This Karen Berg is a shit pretending to be a human.

  2. It always amazes me when idiots like this start promoting child sexual abuse the parents are never mentioned. It’s like these kids live in their own apartments and lead their own lives autonomous from any parental figure that might feel the need to yank the lungs out of anybody that fucked with their child. My kids are grown but I now have Grand kids. Touch one and I will end you.

  3. Satanism at work.

    Aren’t there references in the Old Testament (I know, “how quaint!”) about sacrificing children to Moloch, Baal, &c.?

    A sure sign of a society, or culture, in the throes of disintegration.
    If we refuse to protect our children, we cease to exist – it’s that simple – and we’ve been sacrificing them to Satan (through abortion) for over 50 years and are now trying to normalize pedophilia. If it’s OK to kill them, then surely it’s OK to fuck them, right? RIGHT? Ask Joe … or any other Demonrat.

    Woe unto us.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. I can only assume that this woman (?) has never actually had sex. Is she trying to say that these kiddie sex dolls will not work as bait to catch and neuter child molesters?


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