Kent State- 50 Years Ago Today – IOTW Report

Kent State- 50 Years Ago Today

Associated Press

The Ohio National Guard opened fire on unarmed college students during a war protest at Kent State University on May 4, 1970. Four students were killed, and nine others were injured. Not all of those hurt or killed were involved in the demonstration, which opposed the U.S. bombing of neutral Cambodia during the Vietnam War.

The confrontation, sometimes referred to as the May 4 massacre, was a defining moment for a nation sharply divided over the protracted war, in which more than 58,000 Americans died. It sparked a strike of 4 million students across the U.S., temporarily closing some 900 colleges and universities. The events also played a pivotal role, historians argue, in turning public opinion against the conflicts in Southeast Asia. More

21 Comments on Kent State- 50 Years Ago Today

  1. This was summarized in Comcast’s guide as students protesting for “social justice”. Bullchit! It was hippies against the Vietnam War and against the draft.

  2. I remember it. Bratty hippies became so aggressive and confrontational and dangerous that National Guard became frightened by ANTIFA/commie 1.0.

    They acted in self defense.

    And the professional Tantrumists used Hollywood and Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young to paint an untrue characterization about what happened.

    Because communists do that.

    Same thing happened in Charlottesville a few years back.

    They simply lie.

  3. The most popular murders ever committed in the United States, if you’re a commie …

    In the spring of 1965 communist profs started the “teach-ins” against the war. Then Students for a Democratic Society (SDS-communists) organized the first national antiwar demonstration in Washington around 20,000 mainly students, attended … and most of us know the rest of the story that leads us to “the happenings” of today … phuckin’ commies! Just sayin’

  4. @Geoff. I was 15 at the time.

    That makes you the grand patriarch of this thread. Haha.

    But boy did I observe media and pop culture leverage that staged event to their benefit.

    I was too young and naive to understand it at the time.
    I was confused about it mostly.

    It took several decades of the unmasking of Bill Ayres, Bernardine Dohrn, John Effin Kerry, that cunt that was the daughter of the legendary film star that raised two terrible brats, I think there name is Fonda, Bernard Sanders, the phony New Yorker who escaped to become a medium sized fish in a smaller pond.

    The list is endless and we didn’t pay them much mind at the time. Too bad for us.

    Kent State? Shoulda killed one hundred or more.
    Then trolled Woodstock.

  5. The thing about the “hippy” movement is that a lot of it was against the Viet Nam War and and the draft, both of which were pieces of globalist crap which I would gladly fight against today. The “draft” is where the government assumes they OWN you and can tell you to go get killed for their fxcked-up cause. Give me a break.

  6. From the article
    “The university, ordered evacuated after the shooting, was virtually deserted this morning and under heavy police and military guard.

    “Earlier, fire destroyed a barn and several farm tractors in one corner of the campus, and fire officials said they believed the blaze was deliberately set.”

    Seems there was good reason for the governor to try to regain control of the Kent State campus from the radicals.

  7. A lot of us got in big trouble with the school administration at my my H S for wearing black armbands and white T shirts that said They shoot students don’t they shortly after Kent State happened. The school was not amused by our antics, we were all young, naive and stupid and easily manipulated by a few radical rabble rousers.

    Kent State was wrong but that didn’t excuse us from acting like spoiled idiots.

  8. Geoff

    I was a returned vet, had a house, wife, job, and kid, working on my 3rd degree then! Your are a kid!

    I 23 years earlier defended the “White nationalist” Ike from liberal teachers.

  9. Memebr? Hat photoshopped Elena Kagan into that iconic Kent State photo….. she was all cryin’ over a spilled pizza box lying on the ground…..

    Good times….


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