Kentucky: Armed Black Militia Mobilizes To Protest Shooting Death Of Breonna Taylor By Cops…Accidentally Shoot Member…Call Cops For Help – IOTW Report

Kentucky: Armed Black Militia Mobilizes To Protest Shooting Death Of Breonna Taylor By Cops…Accidentally Shoot Member…Call Cops For Help

Michelle Malkin nailed it with this tweet: So apparently members of the all-black “Not F*cking Around Coalition” militia were well, f*cking around, and accidentally shot each other…

33 Comments on Kentucky: Armed Black Militia Mobilizes To Protest Shooting Death Of Breonna Taylor By Cops…Accidentally Shoot Member…Call Cops For Help

  1. There’s a Militia with long lenses shadowing these clowns. They post on IG. If you’re going to be bad ass and not fuck around, over watch is mandatory

  2. Joe Biden is squarely responsible for this shooting. Biden’s recent blathering concerning alleged racist police activity directly stepped up social media to the point that an armed militia invaded sections of Louisville KY.
    In its reckless assembly shot(s) were fired within the militia, resulting in possibly multiple injuries.
    Joe Biden set forth to divide African Americans when he proclaimed that “blacks” who supported President Trump were not in fact “black.” Biden’s racist diatribes are responsible for a huge increase of communist-white supremacist rioters attacking large metropolitan areas of the United States.

  3. If anyone of these dirty motherfuckers tries to stop my 4×4 F10 or 4×4 Grand Cherokee their mamma had better prey they don’t succeed. I’m coming out shooting and a motherfucker who can hold his own in International Trap can accurately engage multiple successive targets going like a bat out of hell faster than they can get off a single unaimed shot.

    International targets come out of any one of five different traps at 60-plus mph, a good 20 mph faster than an American trap target. The angles are twice as sharp and the heights vary, too, from ground-skimmers to climbers that just seem to go up and up forever.

    Hitting a human kill zone size running target at under a hundred yards with an AR would be like walking over and hitting a pumpkin with a fly swatter.

  4. This is a must watch video. It explains how these riots fit seamlessly into the bigger picture.

    This video by Turning Point USA was censored by Youtube less than an hour after it went online.

    What is the deadliest thing mankind has ever encountered in history? Disease, famine, nuclear weapons? Not even close. By sheer body count, it’s an idea…


  5. Frank

    They don’t want to be the first sacrificial lambs. CO is a blue state and they’d be targeted by the police and courts as the ones who instigated. We have to choose our ground.

  6. There were conservatives with guns at the other side if the police baracades. Luckily, nobody reacted and started shooting.
    Remember the story of the battle of Lexingon? To this day nobody knows who fired the first shot.
    I think a civil war was averted yesterday.
    Do these radicals want a civil war? Do the people funding them want one?

  7. @Jethro

    For certain those financing the radicals do, they want results for their investment. I don’t see a way out of this, I was expecting things to simmer down by now but they haven’t.
    Never could have guessed this especially with a good economy and Trumps efforts in the black communities. But then that’s what has the dems so upset, Trump’s been winning over blacks and they can’t have that.

  8. “…and they can’t have that.”
    I want to know who “they” are.
    Before this gets any worse the people behind the craziness must be stopped. Cut the head off the snake (figuratively).

  9. Guy in red is holding an invisible musket. And they are kind of a svelte group ready for battle…bet half their ammo pouches are filled with snacks and grape soda.

  10. @ BB
    Because— Austin
    And a now dead lefty.
    As far as the driver is concerned he’ll skate. The dead guy that approached him had intent and ability and will be seen as an enforcer in a illegal protest blocking the road.

  11. But but but gm jay said dey all be expurt shooters, he is always lookin for new material for his award winning rap claptrap lyrics, bleedin’fo de cause is “right on” for his self promotion gay militancy against de “white man in charge of the widespread slavery they all have sufferred from.

  12. Mob wearing masks approaching vehicle. One of the attacking force bringing AK to low ready position. When seconds count and he only give a guy a couple hundredths of a second to make a decision and react… you better believe he just wrote a check his ass couldn’t cash.

  13. When does an AK suddenly become a “rifle” and not an “assault rifle?”

    When it is being brought to low ready by a comrade in a mob of masked revolutionaries who have blocked and are actively menacing a vehicle being legally operated on a public street.

    The media have their marching orders and the stiff was “carrying a rifle“ in every story.

  14. These antifa losers need to make sure they have a note pinned to their shirt with their moms’ phone number. It will help get their bodies returned afterwards.

  15. Who ya gonna believe, the media, or your own lying eyes?

    “A witness told the Austin American-Statesman that a driver honked and sped toward protesters before opening fire.”

    There is video, the brake lights are lit up and the car is sitting there. The Goddamned media can see that themselves, the only reason they would print this shit is to inflame more of the low IQ, neanderfuck, booger eating leftist, dimwits who read their shit.

  16. My “Why” was a rhetorical question. I know why and it infuriating. These cops better start pulling their heads out of their asses or they’ll be on the menu too. WTF?
    I think I know where this evolves. If I stumble across a buzzing rattle snake I know I’ve got problems. If you run across AntifaBLM you know you’ve got problems. Just watch the news. Justifiable concern for your life and safety. The above criteria will be established by a defense lawyer anytime now.
    JDHasty. Great research. I hate AKs but what kind of asshole would do that to one?

  17. To all the parents out there, I ask this after watching the video of the mother that JDHasty just posted. If your son/daughter was killed, would you want to do an interview less than 24 hours later? Me, I can’t see myself doing that.


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