Kentucky Governor Signs Bill To Allow The Study of the Bible As It Relates To Our Country’s History To Be Taught in Public Schools – IOTW Report

Kentucky Governor Signs Bill To Allow The Study of the Bible As It Relates To Our Country’s History To Be Taught in Public Schools

If the 5 pillars of Islam can be taught in public schools, when we are not a Muslim country, why has the Bible become verboten?


ht/ annie

6 Comments on Kentucky Governor Signs Bill To Allow The Study of the Bible As It Relates To Our Country’s History To Be Taught in Public Schools

  1. I’m of the opinion that the knowledge of various religions is essential to the study of world and western history. For instance, one should have some at least some knowledge of the Christian, Jewish and Islamic faiths in order to understand the crusades. A basic understanding of all the major religions is important in how all of these faiths shaped history.


    They tried to smash the Bible, denigrate white people, eliminate Christmas, shame masculinity, praise illegal immigrants, BUT WE’RE FIGHTING BACK!

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