Kenya: ‘Cult death’ victims were missing organs – IOTW Report

Kenya: ‘Cult death’ victims were missing organs

Kenyan investigators say post-mortem reports have raised suspicions about the harvesting and trafficking of body parts.


Bodies exhumed from mass graves linked to a Kenyan religious cult were missing organs, autopsies have revealed, local media reported on Tuesday, citing court documents.

Police chief Martin Munene said suspected cult leader Paul Nthenge Mackenzie is now being investigated for involvement in organ trafficking after the postmortem reports established that organs were missing from “some of the bodies of victims who have been exhumed,” Kenyan outlet Waza reported. MORE

5 Comments on Kenya: ‘Cult death’ victims were missing organs

  1. The first time I went to South America I found out the meaning of the saying “Life is cheap”
    I kissed the tarmac when I got back home!
    It would be far cheaper than all the Wellfare we’ve spent to give certain people in this country a 6 month “vacation” in the Third World so they can appreciate what we have here… if they get back!!


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