The Left-Wing Media Identifies the Problem in Their Own Question- “Will Anyone Be Able To Police What Carlson Says?” – IOTW Report

The Left-Wing Media Identifies the Problem in Their Own Question- “Will Anyone Be Able To Police What Carlson Says?”

Are that that unaware?

(I’m sorry. Stupid question.)

18 Comments on The Left-Wing Media Identifies the Problem in Their Own Question- “Will Anyone Be Able To Police What Carlson Says?”

  1. It is very telling that someone feels that Tucker has to be “policed”! Only Commies do that schtuff!!
    Anybody remember those pirate radio stattions that were boats anchored off of international boundries of the United States?
    That’s almost what Tucker is going to have to become only as an internet pirate. I’d recommend that he get an eye patch, but them he’d look like that plastic POS Crenshaw which I wouldn’t wish on anybody. One thing is for certain … the Truth deserves a place at the table, but certain fools can’t abide with that without demonizing the messenger!

  2. One doesn’t “police” free speech – by definition.
    They out themselves and don’t even realize it?

    “For those who have eyes to see; let them see. For those who have ears to hear; let them hear.”

    The nihilistic totalitarians out themselves at every opportunity – they have no fear of the apathetic masses – no fear of the courts – no fear of retribution.

    We need to change their attitudes about that.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Translation- as communist propagandist how will we stop this guy? The left owns about 95% of the media and they’re going crazy over the 5% that’s out of their control.
    Someone call the DOJ stat.

  4. Anyone and everyone who cares can “police” Tucker Carlson’s statements – just take something he says and do some research as to whether or not it’s true or not. But people don’t want to do that – rather than refute someone like Carlson, they just call him a racist, a homophobe or a transphobe and call it a day.

    The networks have been losing their authority as the arbiters of what is true or (frequently) not true. The First Amendment actually anticipates a free-for-all when it comes to speech, and due to the internet “news” programs (now including FOX), are losing their influence due to self-inflicted wounds and obvious efforts to censor speech they don’t agree with.

  5. Control freaks freaking. They can fuck the fuck off. I’m going to tell you who created Andrew Tate, they did with this shit and I’m an old fucker that the young guys talk to. The guy wouldn’t have an audience without their incessant pushing, and the guy resonates with a hell of a lot of young guys. They are totally fed the fuck up and although a lot of what Tate espouses is pretty screwy, he’s done with putting up with their agenda being shoved down everyone’s throat. That is what resonates with them.

  6. The fascists have gotten so arrogant, they now operate in the open. I REALLY worry about the 2024 election: even if we win by a landslide, we’ll wake up the next morning and Hillary Clinton will somehow be president.

  7. I thought “police” was a bad word to them now. As someone referred to above Twitter has the “community notes” thing where people can directly refute things they think are untrue. Guess that isn’t OFFICIAL enough for some.

  8. The progressives are as self aware as any amoeba. They just need to pull the plug on their computer and Tucker is instantly policed unlike real life where when seconds count the police are only minutes away.

  9. Karl Rove?
    Who said ANYONE can police ANYONE’S speech? Just the suggestion that someone can police anyone’s speech is the suggestion of an authoritarian, possibly a totalitarian, certainly not an American of any worth.

    Mama may hush baby, daddy may tell sonny to please and thank you. The Christian girl you’re trying to crack may tell you not to use the Lord’s name in vain.

    That’s about it.


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