Kevin Costner’s Tee Shirt is … – IOTW Report

Kevin Costner’s Tee Shirt is …

Field of RINOs

42 Comments on Kevin Costner’s Tee Shirt is …

  1. Costner has always been a lib, and not just your average go a long to get a long lib, but Sean Penn type lib, if he was twice as smart and Penn was half as dumb.

    No big deal. The character he plays on Yellowstone displays all the attributes that Costner the man lacks, he is what makes the show appealing, not the actor playing him.

  2. Just proves to me that actors are acting and more than able to fool the average person into thinking otherwise.

    Pretty much like lying liberals convincing people to believe that liberals are good people.

  3. Take a page from Rory Gallagher.

    Dick face interviewer: Ye born Ballyshannon an’ raised in Cork?

    Rory: Aye.

    Dick face: What say ye on The Troubles, an’ the IRA?

    Rory: Take a look at me Dobro…

  4. This will not endear him with Montanans who blame him and his show ‘Yellowstone’ for the influx of idiots who are currently invading their state.

    For fun, lookup OverheardWhitefish or OverheardBigSky on Instagram. Local commenting on stupid things they hear from mostly entitled rich people pretending they are cowboys and are looking for the Yellowstone ranch.

  5. He’s very arrogant. Guess Costner figures that conservatives are so starved for right leaning shows, they can’t complain. Although, he’s a rabid leftist, conservatives fans of the show will still watch Yellowstone. We’ll see.
    Yellowstone ratings might take a dive after this leftard stunt. Not all conservatives are alike. That t- shirt message works for RINOs. However, true conservatives don’t think it’s cute.

  6. The wart-faced and longtime uber-jealous Cheney woman has NO INTEREST in Americans. Same goes for aged-out Kostner who’s seeing his films take a crash and thinks that he’ll increase sales and audience by promoting some fat-ass malicious cankled gluttonous slug. Kostner will end up seeing his audience as being non-existent altogether, same as the Cheney woman.

  7. I had decided after watching the last season that I wouldn’t watch the next one because last season pretty much sucked, IMO. Costner just sealed the deal.

    Someone online said that they thought the ranch was eventually going to be turned over to the Indians. That makes sense to me because the series has been slowly going more and more woke.

    When you’re watching it, be aware that the pot of water you’re in is slowing being brought to a boil. The media, in it’s various forms has been tasked with changing your way of thinking, changing your belief system. If you think that’s the direction the nation, the world should take, fine. I just see it as regressive. Revisiting ideologies that have failed over and over because they are counter to the human psyche.

    Enough of my proselytizing for now.

  8. You don’t really expect an actor to do anything other than read a script, do you?
    By and large, they seem to be dumber than dog-shit without a script.

    WITH a script, they’re doctors, lawyers, scientists, geniuses, whatever … but get that script out of their hands and they revert to what they really are – facile, ignorant, vain, egocentric, parrot fucktards.

    His support of Cheney is based on nothing more than that one of his handlers told him to support her and to wear a stupid T-shirt.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Trump a dereliction of a human being, fake, false with all the lies & twice the hate. A most complete waste of space. Wet dreams, this disgusting trash ain’t never going be in the White House again.

  10. Well. Yellowstone is now off the entertainment options. I shouldn’t be watching that show anyway. It’s Downton Abbey in western gear; an elaborate soap opera where no one is very happy for very long, and Jesus has been entirely banned from the script, except as blasphemy.

  11. Anonymous,
    Recite one lie told by President Trump.
    Relate even a single instance of Hate by President Trump.
    And how do you presume to know what’s in a man’s heart (or soul or innermost thoughts)?

    Put up or shut up.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  12. Kevin Costner is heading to Southeastern Utah to make a new television series about the West. He’s looking for lots of “Indigenous People” according to the advertisements in the local papers. These are what were formerly know as Utes, Navajos and Redhide Injuns when John Wayne and John Ford filmed in this part of Utah. Bet there will be lots nylon ropes on all those Nineteenth Century cowboys’ saddles. Maybe Liz Cheney will play the part of a lying, cheating, crooked politician in this new Oater.

  13. Costner went to Villa Park High School a couple of years before I did. The rich kids from Villa Park would have nothing to do with us commoners from Orange that went to the school. This kind of behavior doesn’t surprise me a bit. They’re the reason the other schools called VP “The wienies on the hill”.


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