Kevin James Skewers Social Distancing, Snitches and the State – IOTW Report

Kevin James Skewers Social Distancing, Snitches and the State

ht/ hot salsa

21 Comments on Kevin James Skewers Social Distancing, Snitches and the State

  1. Video is very funny, yet accurate. Yeah, we’re there. The Left want to pass into law – HR6666 Contact Act. Big Brother exists and still diabolical.

  2. Bad_Brad wrote:
    I can’t imagine someone that petty. Obviously they are around.

    Brad, there was a post on my community page on FB last week from a neighbor complaining some guy cursed her out, started taking her picture with his phone, then literally followed her down the block in his car berating her the entire way.

    Her crime?

    She had the nerve to leave her house and go for a walk!

    I wish I were kidding!

  3. Dial 1-800-Ima-Nazi. Mrs Galt has all she can do to keep from ripping the masks off the other shoppers at the grocery store. Reminds her of an old Twilight Zone episode.

  4. So true. Go on your friendly neighborhood NextDoor site and you’ll see tons of leftist snitches who would have loved to turn Anne Frank in to the government.

  5. @ Peter the Bubblehead

    They are becoming fewer and farther between in my state now as we’re slowly opening the state back up. At first though they were out in full force. They were getting anything and everything shut down. They were all over FB telling they would turn you in if they read you say you were breaking the rules. Most of them have crawled back into their holes now because they find themselves outnumbered.
    Them and the government though have damaged our state economically, it may take years to overcome if everything that was open 3 months ago was reopened tomorrow. Locally owned restaurants along with fast food chains are raising prices and taking things off their menus, especially beef because they either can only get limited supplies or the price is astronomical.
    I’m finding myself very disappointed in my local farmers/ranchers, this is not who we are or at least not who we once were. They’ve went from saying they’re slaughtering their animals to trying to make a killing by taking advantage of the situation. I’ve tried to talk some sense into some of them that if they would play this smart they could end the strangle hold the 6 or 7 corporations have on the industry. If they would sell direct to the consumer at reasonable prices they would remain with them in the future. Instead though they’re wanting to charge them double the price they can get meat at the groceries store that still have meat. They’re wanting to make three the times the price of their beef cows they can get in a good market year.

    Our operation is too small to make a difference, but what little we sell we’re not ripping off our neighbors, but we’re only one out of 3 that I know of that aren’t.

  6. Gestapo, KGB, CIA, NSA, and FBI operate as gigantic snitch and pimp machines.
    When not conspiring against political opponents the vast majority of their work comes from friends and neighbors pimping each other out.
    Gestapo kept just 8 to 10 agents in any given city, but controlled networks of tens of thousands of informers. I’m certain the others operate along the same lines.
    Some do it for love, some for money, some for revenge, some out of hatred, but most do it out of a sense of duty.

    Sad, but true.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. I may have spoke too soon, it seems all the libtards in this state are on twitter, not FB or out in the real world. Looking at their info on twitter, almost every one of them either isn’t even in the state, are transplants(several leftist Californians) or home bred leftists wanting to turn the state blue.
    Good thing is most of them seem to live in OKC and Norman where all the leftists like to congregate.


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