Kevin McCarthy NOTIFIES Staffers – Big Plans Announced! – IOTW Report

Kevin McCarthy NOTIFIES Staffers – Big Plans Announced!

Daily Wire-

GOP leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) is preparing to train Republican staffers for post-midterm investigations — probes dealing with some of the most highly criticized political moments of President Joe Biden’s presidency.

In an email sent to staffers on Tuesday obtained by The Daily Caller, the House minority leader and ranking member Rep. Rodney Davis (R-IL) invited staffers to “informational briefing(s)” to prepare them for upcoming investigations.

“Leader Kevin McCarthy and Ranking Member Rodney Davis would like to invite you to attend this informational briefing with Jon Skladany, Chief Oversight Counsel for the Committee on Financial Services, and Rachel Kaldahl, Republican Staff Director for the Ways and Means Subcommittee on Oversight,” the email said. “This briefing will review the basics of performing effective oversight investigations and will highlight best practices to fulfill Congress’s Constitutional oversight obligations.”

Republicans have a long list of matters they plan to investigate should they take the House in November. These include Biden’s border policies, the origins of COVID-19, coronavirus testing, the Afghanistan withdrawal, and, more pressingly as of late, Hunter Biden’s business dealings.

The first training session is scheduled for July 22, the Daily Caller reported, and McCarthy will reportedly host two more planned for September.

A Republican Oversight Committee aide told The Daily Caller that Republicans are also flooding the Biden administration with “hundreds of preservation notices” asking that relevant documents be preserved.


40 Comments on Kevin McCarthy NOTIFIES Staffers – Big Plans Announced!

  1. Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy ….. I shudder

    all according to plan. McCarthy will so screw up & fall on his face, ala Paul Ryan, that voters, in 2024, will turn out in fake droves to vote to put the D’rats back in charge … bank on it

    I can hear the MSM spin now

    do we really need to put up w/ more of this bullcrap? when is it gonna be time to do something about it?

    must see:

  2. Until people are ready to get their hands dirty, voting won’t do shit. This has to be played on a field lower than on which our adversaries play. It needs to be so personal that their families (down to their grandchildren), assets and even their own lives are at risk. They don’t give a shit about us, our families nor what we’ve individually worked for in our own lives. Fuck ’em! No mercy, no quarter. Period.

    Yeah yeah yeah….I know how horrible that sounds. But it’s a framework from which to start. I’m sure it can be made more palatable for public consumption, but it won’t be as effective. A message must be sent to those that dare step into the helm of leadership in the future that there are dire consequences should lines be crossed.

    The social contract in this country has been breached, and a toll must be exacted. Otherwise, invest in kneepads, because that’s where we will spend what’s left of our lives.

  3. Another investigation that would drag for years, and no one would be held accountable.
    See how Trey Gowdy and other RINOs handled the Benghazi investigation where they had enough evidence to lock up Hillary and few other Obama admin officials at that time. Instead, she sat in that hearing mocking them.

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  5. HORSE SHIT! Kev is a left liar, 15 months ago he said any Ronny hater joining the conservative witch hunt would be expelled> 14 months ago 2 Ronny haters joined, 14 MoNTHS LATER THEY ARE SITLL “REPUBLICANS”! Bush Republican Kev is Trey “all over again”. he talks conservative ; BUT HIS ACTIOnS ARE LEFT! Bushs have no morals; their folk have no morals.
    Like GWB his acts are the opposite of his words! Acts matter; words do not!

  6. @JB_Honeydew July 14, 2022 at 2:50 am

    > This has to be played on a field lower than on which our adversaries play. It needs to be so personal that their families (down to their grandchildren), assets and even their own lives are at risk. They don’t give a shit about us, our families nor what we’ve individually worked for in our own lives.


    Does George Soros come to your school, and try to turn your children into tranny sex toys? Does Bill Gates stand at your job entrance, and push you away if you haven’t been jabbed (again)? Do any of the Pritzker freaks gun up, outside a bakery that won’t bake cakes for deviant freaks that want to groom up the babies they bought on Amazon?

    Or do you call those that do, “allies”?

  7. @an ol exJarhead July 14, 2022 at 4:46 am

    > Acts matter; words do not!

    The words are the action. They are not intended for those they costume themselves as.

    Mitt Romney doesn’t dress up like a Republican, and say Joe Biden is a Good(TM) man, for the sake of Republicans. George (pick a letter) Bush doesn’t dress up like an American, and say John McCain was an American(TM) hero, for the sake of Americans.

    The actors (liars in costume) perform for those traitors that Self Identify(TM) as what they costume themselves as. With the intent of defending each other, from those they attack. How can a Republican counterattack a “Hello! Fellow Republican!”? For supporting the Bolsheviks that Republican(TM) Mitt Romney performance arts as Good(TM) people? How can an American counterattack a “Hello! Fellow American!”? For supporting the Cosmopolitans that American(TM) Pick A Bush performance arts as American(TM) heroes?

  8. You tell them to fuck off. Jeeze fnucky, why you gotta’ make this so hard. It ain’t about repubs against dems. It’s straight up evil insanity against normal hush puppy wearing Americans.

    No matter the party, if the politician in question is a sick evil fuck you call them on it.

    Kinda’ what the primaries are all about.

  9. Funny that the enemy didn’t even have to sneak to get the strategic plan, isn’t it?
    Why is that?
    Political posturing? Tactical maneuver? Broadcast treason? Or terminal imbecility?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  10. Just what we need, more investigations. How about first passing a law that states no president can issue an EO that shuts down our energy independence? After that knock yourself out with do-nothing investigations.

  11. @Aaron Burr July 14, 2022 at 5:45 am

    > No matter the party, if the politician in question is a sick evil fuck you call them on it.

    > Kinda’ what the primaries are all about.

    The pols are set dressing. They don’t do anything. Except distract the audience.

    The actors (those that take action), the hands on wet workers, self-identify as “normal hush puppy wearing Americans”. Self. Identify. As those they know are their “enemy”. Who accept them — into their neighborhoods, their homes, their families — to do them harm. While blaming their harm on “lying” pols.

  12. “informational briefing(s)” to prepare them for upcoming investigations.

    Upcoming? Why isn’t thew investigations going on now and cut to the chase. Knowing the Republicans, they’ll draw it out and justice doesn’t get served. Another cluster*uck. No point in voting any more. 🙁

  13. @ fnuck, son of fnord JULY 14, 2022 AT 5:13 AM

    Those that you mentioned are not allies in any way shape or form. And by lower, I mean gutting the fuckers and letting them bleed out.

  14. @JB_Honeydew July 14, 2022 at 10:10 am

    > gutting the fuckers and letting them bleed out

    That smells glowy.

    What’s wrong with a train of modern boxcars. And a lovely, far away, camp? For education? Of all the hands on… workers?

    (Unless neighbors just want to “take care of” neighbors.)

  15. fnuck, son of fnord JULY 14, 2022 AT 10:15 AM

    From a human perspective, there’s a lot wrong with that idea. Be we aren’t exactly dealing with humans here, especially considering the tactics that you, yourself, alluded to being used. Therefore, to make a simple analogy, the country is our house and they are the termites destroying said house. You don’t reason with termites, you exterminate them, plain and simple

  16. @JB_Honeydew July 14, 2022 at 10:22 am

    > You don’t reason with termites, you exterminate them, plain and simple

    Termites are G-d’s creation. Just like “humans”. They can be taught. They tell you how educated they are. They proudly wave the en-titleds “people” bought them.

    Neither “solution” proffered (not sure which one you find offensive), glows like an irradiated Patriot(TM). But we’re in short supply of atomics. Damn Ruskies.

  17. Fuzznutz – If you’re trying to be cool you’re not pulling it off very well. You sound like either English is your second language or you’re a finger-sniffing nerd trying to be the class clown. Try straight posting for a while so that people will take you seriously.

  18. @fnuck, son of fnord JULY 14, 2022 AT 11:00 AM

    Oh I see, termites can be taught. Interesting. Let us know when you and your trained termites go on tour. I’m sure it’ll make for an interesting show. Until then, fnuck off, ya wack-a-doo.

  19. Fuck McCarthy and his “investigations”. We all know what that means… all talk… no action… even when the GOP majority has the power to really do something about democrat corruption. But they’ll trade it away for a few choice tax breaks for a handful of asshole donors. And then fecklessly whine like the useless shitbags they are when they do nothing.

  20. If McCarthy says it, take to the Bank…..there’s non-sufficient funds.
    Trust no RINO in a “leadership” role.
    Don’t forget, McCarty is a is part of the establishment, like RYAN, BOEHNER and McCONnell. NEVER TO BE TRuSTED.

  21. I’ll believe it when I see it.
    These stooges couldn’t defund Planned Parenthood.
    (No disrespect toward Larry, Moe, Curly, Shemp, Curley Joe, Joe Murita, or even Ted Heally)


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