Kevin Spacey’s Latest Film Opens and Makes 2,929,440.14 Dongs – IOTW Report

Kevin Spacey’s Latest Film Opens and Makes 2,929,440.14 Dongs

The dong is the Vietnamese currency.

2,929,440.14 Dongs is 126 bucks.

Yep, that’s what Spacey’s film made.

ht/ all too much



19 Comments on Kevin Spacey’s Latest Film Opens and Makes 2,929,440.14 Dongs

  1. Does this mean that being exposed as a homosexualist with a penchant for grabbing underaged genitals has consequences? In Hollywood?! What’s next? Is Meryl Streep going to admit that she never heard any rumors about this former God?

  2. uh, no, what?

    Those foreign figures were for DVD release overseas.
    The producers held it for as long as possible for U.S. release.
    It made $126 bucks in its U.S. theater release.

  3. Chalupa…don’t knock it till you’ve tried it.
    I was in Bangkok when the Baht was 50:1 in US dollars…

    GOOD TIMES ! 🙂

    Patpong will demonstrate “grab em by the pussy…open beer bottles…shoot ping pong balls…etc… 🙂

  4. As much as Spacey is a creep I get the impression that he’s Hollywood’s designated sacrifice to take the focus off all the others. As awful as what Spacey did I’ll bet there’s lots worse out there but Spacey’s a big enough star to attract all the bullets.


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