Key FBI agent in Whitmer kidnapping plot posted anti-Trump rants online during investigation – IOTW Report

Key FBI agent in Whitmer kidnapping plot posted anti-Trump rants online during investigation


Federal prosecutors dropped the testimony of an FBI special agent involved in the investigation of an alleged plot to kidnap Democratic Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer after findings he called former President Donald Trump a “piece of s***” on social media during the investigation’s course, according to a defense attorney.

Michael Hills — who represents defendant Brandon Caserta, who is among the six people charged in the case — said during a court hearing Thursday that prosecutors decided not to use Agent Richard Trask’s testimony during a pending October trial. Prosecutors gave defense teams access to Trask’s social media posts this week, with at least one taking aim at Trump and his supporters, Hills said , according to the Detroit News. more here

10 Comments on Key FBI agent in Whitmer kidnapping plot posted anti-Trump rants online during investigation

  1. At some point one would think than any connection to the FBI whatsoever would “Brady” a witness

    Police officers who have been dishonest are referred to as “Brady cops.” Because of the Brady ruling, prosecutors are required to notify defendants and their attorneys whenever a law enforcement official involved in their case has a sustained record for knowingly lying in an official capacity.

    At a bare minimum, I would think that what has demonstrably become typical behavior by FBI is relevant and should be presented to the jury for consideration.

  2. When the shit finally hits the fan, the Alphabet Agencies will be who we are fighting in the streets. Happiness is being the sixth man in a 5 man FBI swat stack as they bust down your door.

  3. FBI agents knelt down in Washington DC photograph attached there a disgrace to the badge to the country no different for this guy liberals have invaded every aspect of our government should be weeded out and fired


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