Key Hunter Biden associate cooperating with Congress, opening crucial window into Joe Biden dealings – IOTW Report

Key Hunter Biden associate cooperating with Congress, opening crucial window into Joe Biden dealings

JTN: Congressional investigators have scored a major breakthrough by securing cooperation from Eric Schwerin, a close business associate of Hunter Biden who also had dealings with Joe Biden’s business and tax affairs.

“He is cooperating with us,” House Oversight and Accountability Committee Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) revealed Thursday evening on the “Just the News, No Noise” television show. “His attorneys and my counsel are communicating on a regular basis. Now, I feel confident that he’s going to work with us, and provide us with the information that we have requested.”

Comer added: “I think that Schwerin is going to be a very valuable witness for us in this investigation.”  more

6 Comments on Key Hunter Biden associate cooperating with Congress, opening crucial window into Joe Biden dealings

  1. There goes Congress wasting money again in an effort to look legit.
    “Just die already, you thieving self-important jackasses. Nobody buys your shit, we’re just forced to pay for it.

  2. The Pedo actually thinks he can run again. I have never witnessed an individual with such an astounding level of arrogant hubris as the Pedo.

    He trips up the stairs yet again and ends up with a huge bruise on his imbecilic forehead and then rubs around grinning like he’s the cats pajamas.

    Stupid fucker wanders of the red carpet despite the best efforts of the 3 highest ranking people in Poland to gently and covertly redirect him, so they just say “fuck it” and wander off the carpet with him.

    Yet the walking corpse actually thinks he is the most hip cat in the room.

    Our nation is being run by imbecilic children. I give us 8 months before we all perish in WW3 nuclear war.

    Hopefully the cabal shuffles both him and the Commie Cunt aside before then, but probably not, they want us all dead so they can rule the ashes.


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