KFC chicken chain to drop buying birds pumped full of antibiotics – IOTW Report

KFC chicken chain to drop buying birds pumped full of antibiotics


The parent company of KFC said it will stop buying chicken that is raised using antibiotics that are important to human medicine.

The announcement by the giant chicken chain came after years of pressure from food safety and consumer advocacy groups, and two years after other food companies such as McDonald’s, Chick-fil-A, Pizza Hut and Taco Bell made similar pledges to phase out the use of products from animals treated with the antibiotics — a practise linked to the rise of “super bug” pathogens that are resistant to multiple drugs.

The policy change is expected to have a widespread effect on the poultry industry, because KFC — owned by Yum Brands — buys its chicken from a great many flocks as a food-safety precaution, according to Lena Brook, food policy advocate at the Natural Resources Defence Council.

With KFC’s shift, more than half of the nation’s poultry supply chain will be antibiotic-free in the near future, activist said.  more here

17 Comments on KFC chicken chain to drop buying birds pumped full of antibiotics

  1. That article sounds like a blast of bullshit.

    I could believe milk/dairy products from an animal, yes.
    Meat causing rampant “super bug” pathogens MY ASS.

    They don’t talk about the amount of antibiotics the docs
    push nowadays for anything more than a minor snivel. Being
    an adult product of over thirty years of military medicine
    I’ve not had antibiotics since about 1986 and I don’t get
    sick? Stoopid experts.

  2. This is no bull shit. The wifey purchased some eggs the other day, and on the package were the words “California Compliant Eggs”. I searched high and low for a bullet button and could not find one. I believe these were quit possibly assault eggs.

  3. Zong, How about the Prozac and
    all the other psycho meds that
    end up in the water treatment system.
    Residuals after passing thru the human body.

  4. 3 selections of chickens at the grocery store these days:

    * Fresh All Natural
    * Antibiotic & GMO Free
    * Organic GMO Free

    Fresh all natural is obviously the one filled with crap, but what the exact difference between the next two are I can’t figure out for the life of me, other than the Organic is at least 2x the price, sometimes 3x to 4x the price.

    IMHO Antibiotic & GMO free is raising the birds without the use of antibiotics and GMOs, but apparently that doesn’t constitute not using GMOs in their feed. Organic would be GMO & antibiotic free and raised on GMO-free Organic feed.

    I THINK, but there are no guidelines for the consumer to follow that I bothered to find.

    So when it comes to organic eggs, they can be sourced from either Antibiotic & GMO free chickens or Organic chickens…. ?

  5. I heard that, due to the large demand for drumsticks, KFC laboratories once used genetic modification to develop a six-legged chicken, but it was a failure. To this day they don’t know what it tastes like, because nobody was ever able to catch one.

  6. Reboot,

    The way I always heard it explained was, the fear of residual animal antibiotics being consumed by people. Whether that’s even possible or not I have no idea.

  7. Beware anything with the name “organic”. It used to be, 20 or so years ago, that organic meant something. I used to belong to a group that was rabid about the legalities of using that on packaging; whether for food or seed packages (food or ornamental plants/flowers). Organic is supposed to mean no chemicals are used on/in the animal/plant at any stage of growth. That included what the animal was fed as well as their bedding. Chemicals = anything man-made. What was ok to use was nature. Examples: ladybugs for pest control and for fertilizer: plants and animal poop (non meat eating animals) that were not exposed to man-made chemicals.

    About 20-or-so years ago, the government started to loosen the restrictions that were required to label foods/plants as organic. They started by saying a certain chemical was ok (can’t remember now what it was – I think it was BMO or something with three letters that was controversial then). They kept adding chemicals to the ok list until the term ‘organic’ is so far removed from the original definition, that the only reason to now buy organic is in order to waste you money if you need to throw your money away.

  8. Ahhh … “great minds” and all that …

    And “organic” means composed of Carbon and Hydrogen – Hydro-Carbons, as it were.

    The word was co-opted to confuse the ignorant – as was “gender” – and “transparent” – and “gay” – and “soul” – and “niggardly” – and “free” – and “liberty” – and “racist” – and a host of others.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Overpriced KFC does not taste anything like it did 20 years ago. Two supermarkets near me sell virtually the same products for half the price. The best chicken price is Costco’s whole rotisserie for $4.99. It tops all stores that sell whole cooked chicken.

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