Khalid Sheikh Mohammed: Destroy the US Through Immigration and Welfare – IOTW Report

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed: Destroy the US Through Immigration and Welfare

PanAmPost: Khalid Sheikh Mohammed may be the most successful terrorist mastermind in history. The Pakistani Islamic fundamentalist and al-Qaeda member was the brains behind the 9/11 attacks which killed 2,996 people and injured thousands more. In a groundbreaking new book called Enhanced Interrogation, CIA contractor James Mitchell provides insightful analysis into his relationship with Mohammed, and the ideology that he espoused.

Perhaps the most interesting point gleaned from the book is Mohammed’s ultimate plan to destroy the US from within. In his mind, terrorist attacks, bombings, and mass shootings were not the practical path to instituting sharia law in the United States. Rather, he envisioned taking down the US from within through use of the nation’s liberal immigration and welfare policies.

He envisioned a future where jihadis could enter the United States, live like leeches off of government benefits, breed like rabbits, bring their like minded relatives from abroad, not work, and be paid by the US government to wage jihad and aim to institute sharia law.

We are not at war today with Muslims. We are at war with a faction of Muslims who seek to impose a radical form of politicized Islam on the entire world.  read more

20 Comments on Khalid Sheikh Mohammed: Destroy the US Through Immigration and Welfare

  1. We are not at war today with Muslims. We are at war with a faction of Muslims who seek to impose a radical form of politicized Islam on the entire world.

    I wonder if this idiot actually believes this stupidity, or if he is just incomprehensibly ignorant of the reality of islam?

  2. “We are not at war today with Muslims. We are at war with a faction of Muslims who seek to impose a radical form of politicized Islam on the entire world.”

    Wasn’t it only 3% of Germans who were Nazis? They almost took over the planet. All they needed was to get the atomic bomb before the USA did.

    Now, all the musloids have to do is USE the atomic bomb before we do.

    Because political correctness is more important than exposing Islam as a TYRANNICAL POLITICAL SYSTEM, and NOT a religion as it’s advertised.

    There’s NO SUCH THING as “radical Islam”. Islam is Islam, there are NO modifiers.

  3. @TSUNAMI – It is almost always that the military arm of any society is a relatively small percentage of the population. The Germans were pretty smart so a small percentage worked well for them… at first. Arabs need about 10% to kick it off. Not too bright, but stupid can do heinous things when you don’t care what happens to you.

    In every country where Muslims are in the minority, they are obsessed with minority rights.
    In every country with a Muslim majority, …..there are no minority rights. None, zero, zip!
    Muzlims flee their failed, Third-World shit hole they live in and come here just to demand that we change our social, legal and economic structure to become exactly like the failed, Third-World shit hole they fled from and the feel-good Liberals tell us they’re just “refugees”
    Spare me the feel-good, phoney-baloney, plastic-banana Liberal Bullshit!
    They’re goat-fucking invaders Hell-bent on world conquest and domination!
    Turn off the Welfare spigot!
    Shut ’em down and move ’em out!

  4. Am currently reading Islamic Fascism by
    Hamed Abdel-Samad. An Excellent Read Starting with early History To Present day.
    Detailing exactly what their plans are for the West.

    annie Go Trump

  5. What’s worse is that muslim traitor in the WH took “immigration and welfare” and
    turned them into “invasion and looting the Treasury”.

    Again, WTF have the GOPers done to even slow it down !?

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