Khan Says His Dead Son’s Hero Was John McCain – IOTW Report

Khan Says His Dead Son’s Hero Was John McCain

Sure he did.

He also said, before he died in June of 2004, that he hated Donald Trump and that everyone should vote for Hillary.

39 Comments on Khan Says His Dead Son’s Hero Was John McCain

  1. If Khan was onstage at the Apollo, the clown would be chasing his ass with the hook right now. Looks like Hillary’s hired sniper turned out to be a suicide bomber instead.

  2. LOL – Well hopefully next week McCain finally loses his seat and they can hang out together. For someone that claims he doesn’t want to be in the spot light this guy will not just STFU and disappear already.

  3. August 30. Not too late to donate to Kelli Ward for us out of staters. AZ residents get off your asses.
    We in Virginia 7 booted Cantor. Its your turn.

    Same goes with Ryan’s district in Wisconsin. Giddy up.

  4. Donald, just stay out of this guy’s way. Not even an oblique reference. Not a single tweet while he goes full smuglim right in front of everybody. You’ll know when to jump back in.

  5. Oh, for Gawdsake, that’s total bullshit. I suppose his favorite movie was YANKEE DOODLE DANDY and his favorite food was apple pie. This father has taqiyya pouring out his ass after a Habanero salad.

    This crap is right out of the Clinton playbook entitled, “My Mother Named Me For Sir Edmund Hillary While Watching Fox News.”


  6. I asked this Khan kid tonight at dinner if his father’s McCain story was true. He said, “I started to read the book, but I tossed it away. I thought the title was, “The Way to a Beaver Life.”

  7. Jump down my throat if you want to, but soldier Khan is no hero of mine until I learn all about the guy.
    Nidal Hasan was a muslim serving in our military.
    Would I be required to reflexively salute and genuflect in front of Hasan if he had been killed under other circumstances before he shot up Fort Hood?

    Sorry, but this isn’t my father’s military.
    No more knee-jerk “hero status” for anyone that’s in the military.
    We have militants within.
    The Dallas shooter, for example.
    We have activists looking to subvert our military and our country.

    I’m not saying the guy belongs in hell, I’m saying he doesn’t get hero status in my book until I know more about him.

    My muslim hero would be an apostate that leaves that sickening cult.
    Those are my muslim heroes – former muslims.

  8. Fur, you read my mind.
    I don’t trust shit these days.
    Hell, I have a hard time thinking someone who can’t confirm his own gender to be a good soldier.
    That is what we are allowing in the military these days.

    Not only gender reassignment, if you enter the US military, Sharia is NOT compatible.

  9. I hope Khan is ready to be ridden hard and dumped like they did to Cindy when 0bama got elected. The woman got no further attention and she ended up turning on the left and protesting them in public. Where is she now? Who knows. They wouldn’t cross the street to film her setting herself on fire now. She got her heart broken when her son died, and it was broken again when her “friends” deserted her.

  10. Yes. I saw a picture. He was a handsome guy and looked like a nice fellow.

    I like to think had he lived he might’ve left islam and denounced his bald-headed fuck of a father, the sharia law-loving coyote who is looking to bring muslims here by the 100s of thousands.

    If he would be on board with his dad he’s not a hero, I don’t care what he did in the military. Period.

  11. So why are the nevertrump people freaking out over protecting Khan? Is it because he took a shot against Trump? Or is it because they prefer a sharia compliant lefty muslim man’s sob story over a lefty white woman’s sob story?

  12. Exactly.
    I am ashamed of what I am witnessing.
    Think what you want about Trump, his existence is revealing to me a lot of stuff that is simply sickening.
    I don’t think things can ever be the same moving forward.
    There are people in the blogosphere that I will NEVER trust anymore.
    They cannot be trusted.
    They claim to be “saving the republic.”
    Ya, sure they are.

  13. The most insane part of this is, one second they are rabidly anti-Hillary, calling her a criminal mastermind, a psychopath and a lying POS… and in their very next post they’re loving that Hillary jabbed Trump in the eye and they may just vote for her because she’s not as bad as Trump.


    What the fuck is wrong with these people!?

  14. FUR, By the way I mentioned in an earlier thread that Medal of Honor winner, husband of a Palin fuck machine, Dakota Meyer, decided to go all PC on his “Never Outgunned” FB page. He demanded Trump apologize to the Kahn family. He got killed, murdered, called names. So I don’t think any Trump supporters here are going against the grain. IG Warriors are all Trump all the time.

  15. Damnit Fur I said as much when this first broke. (Check my comments) It happened in 2004. Has anyone ever spoken to his fellow officers, Non Coms, or EM’s that worked with him? He could have been a great officer, then again? If he was a devout Muslim like his father what the fuck is he doing in the US Army?

  16. Exactly.
    It’s that “don’t complain about have no shoes because the other guy has no feet” mentality.
    I never bought into that because stretched out to its logical conclusion no one but the most miserable down-trodden horrifically handicapped person would have a right to complain about their plight.

    So, if Trump doesn’t have a dead son he’s completely cock-blocked? He cannot offer any policy positions contrary to Khan and his dead son?

  17. @ Menderman

    I know you were addressing FDR, but I can’t help comparing this Khan family with the Bowe Bergdahl fiasco.

    Until I hear from the Khan kid’s fellow soldiers, I’ll assume he’s as Moslem-shady as his old man.

    Hero, my ass. Nobel Peace Prize, my ass. Named for Edmund Hillary, my ass. Do you see a pattern?

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