Khan’s Game Exposed – IOTW Report

Khan’s Game Exposed

If you went looking on the internet to verify stories on the Gold Star father and media star, Khizr Khan’s law firm that specialized in EB5 Immigration filings for wealthy Middle Easterners looking to come to the United States, you won’t find it.

That because the website for his law firm was taken down earlier today.  No fear though, the image of the law firm’s web site has been saved and archived on line.

More on Khan’s suspicious connections and how he made a living from Muslim immigration  Here

More on the missing website Here

Expect the media to drop this guy like a smoking hand grenade before the next news cycle is done.

28 Comments on Khan’s Game Exposed

  1. Funny thing about people that lie….

    Every time a lie is told, another lie has to be told to cover-up the first lie….and on, and on, and so forth and so on – and so the Hillary Clinton spiral begins.

    Oh, what a tangled web we weave…

    right, Hillary?

  2. This whole Khan farrago has been hilarious! Everyone I’ve heard mention the affair has been laughing, with the notable exception of Patricia Smith.

    Do these political apparatchiks not know about the Way-Back Machine? I guess not. Golly – stupid AND ignorant!

  3. It pains me to say this because, after all, his son did die while serving… What a punch-able face.

    It might be because I know about Taquyiah (sp don’t know nor do I care) so I know that he can look me in the eye and lie and still be good with Allah. It might be because he has made a boat load of $ through crony capitalism. It might be because he has a well train wife who knows her place in his world and won’t say a word (or, for all I know he has her hooked up to a shock collar under that bag).

    Mostly it is because he is a liberal tool. He has a punch-able face like Al Franken has a punch-able face.

  4. Ghaladzilla Khan has more chin’s then the Hong Kong white pages…

    Khan once dropped a five spot down her burka and came away with enough quarters to wash his car…

    Ghaladzilla Khan once got off the couch in 2014….and she’s still getting up…

    Ghaladzilla Khan’s chins are so big that Lazy Boy has made an honorary recliner….

  5. OAN News is covering this.
    However, ABC continued their hit on this story – attacking Trump as a bully picking on these folks who lost their son in war. They further confounded it by referring to the guy giving Trump his Purple Heart and beating up on Trump for not serving in he military, of course, neither Bill nor Hillary served. Although Hillary claims exposure to sniper fire.

  6. How hypocritical to ask Trump what he has sacrificed…a lot more than Barry and Hillary combined! He loves this country and is trying to save it from path of socialist oblivion. Hillary’s greatest sacrifice is staying married to the horn-dog in chief in order to lie her way into the White House power seat.

  7. How did a worm like this have a son who became a captain in the US army? Must have been some youthful rebellion against dad. I would like to hear more about his son, how he died.. stuff like that. I am somewhat surprised that the media haven’t interviewed people who served with him.

  8. Thirdtwin I suspect it’s because the guy was about as much of a stalwart defender of freedom as Hassan (Ft Hood shooter).
    I’d piss on his grave if i came across it. His entire career was nothing more than an example of taquiya. Moslems can’t hold allegiance to anything but the quran. They are not here to become Americans. They are here to lay the groundwork for whats happening in Europe. THAT problem started 30 years ago at least.

  9. This is the information I needed to see that khan is a major player for the caliphate, helping them to gain access to the U.S.

    Snakes will naturally ball up together, like Hillary, khan, Lynch, 0bama, and the islamic caliphate. Too bad for the snakes that they opened up a can of worms at the DNC.

  10. Anon. Hillary tried to join the Marines but was turned down because of sexism. The recruiting Sgt. advised her to try the Army. I’d say today’s Navy would take her?
    However that too turned out to be another lie, just like the Bosnian sniper fire and she being named after Sir Edmund Hillary.
    William Safire of the New York Times once called her a “congenital liar,” and she hasn’t changed over the years.. She lied repeatedly to Chris Wallace and the American people again last Sunday. The fact that she is so close to being Commander in Chief is downright scary. The Media suck!

  11. Exactly, Dan K. You beat me too it. Muslim can only have allegiance to Islam. Jihad Kahn knows this. Muslims are cancerous to their host nations, because Islam through Sharia, requires complete control of all governments.

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