Kickstarter Campaign For “Barry & Joe” Animated Series – IOTW Report

Kickstarter Campaign For “Barry & Joe” Animated Series

The creator is looking for $100,000 to launch his idea.

This is not a parody, I think.


So what would be Barry & Joe’s super hero names?

29 Comments on Kickstarter Campaign For “Barry & Joe” Animated Series

  1. I’ve never been the same after seeing the episode of “The Obamas” where the fag was on his girl bike and every frame had “Dork!” In it.

    My vote is “Dork & Uncle Grope”

    Any chance you could rerun that strip?

  2. Other guest stars:
    Lena Dunham guest stars as Derp.
    Hillary Clinton as “Swamp Thing”
    Bill Clinton as “The Cigar Store Owner”
    Al Gore as “The Cigar Store Indian”
    Chuck Schumer as “That guy with the shit eating grin”
    Nancy Peolsi as “Stretch”
    Antifa as “The Brown Shirts”
    George Soros “The Nazi Collaborator”
    Debbie Wasshername Shultz – “The Experiment that went wrong”
    Moochelle as “The Tranny”
    Chelsea Clinton as “Hubbell”


    Their mission:
    Mess you up.
    Destroy Democracy.
    Launder Money.
    Rob from the middle, enrich the rich political mafia.
    Expand DemocRAT corruption.
    And all things nefarious, to INFINITY!

  4. This asinine concept has raised over $40,000! I think I just found a new way to separate passionate, ignorant and gullible progressives from their money.

    Hillary in a Wonder Women outfit should net me at least a cool million, if I can keep from gagging that long.

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