Kid buys a brownie for a police officer, then all hell breaks loose – IOTW Report

Kid buys a brownie for a police officer, then all hell breaks loose

Great American Kooky Company-

A kid at a checkout lane caught a glimpse of an off-duty police officer’s badge as he opened his wallet to pay for a brownie. He offered to buy it for the man to show him his personal support for the police.

The officer accepted, thanked the kid and went on his merry way.

The customer behind the cop wasn’t impressed and demanded the kid pay for his order too. This is the mindset of way too many morons in this country. Not only did the idiot think it was “unfair” for the kid to express himself with his own money, the dope said it was “racist.”

I guess if the cop was a color the antagonist liked he’d have half his ridiculous argument undercut, eh?

The story gets worse, and it’s led to lots of outrage on social media, calling for the boycott of the store chain who initially put the kid on suspension.


Minority logic seems to be at an all-time low, no? I find it difficult to follow the thinking once a social justice warrior gets whipped up into a ponytailed-professor-induced rant.

23 Comments on Kid buys a brownie for a police officer, then all hell breaks loose

  1. DOX the hell out of that f*cking hate-filled couple that caused all the trouble.

    Consequences are the only thing Leftists understand, usually the more direct the better.

  2. This is America. This is what we voted for; we bought the progressive lies and sought to be celebrated as ‘cool kids.’ It took a hundred years to get here; we are not going to restore the Republic overnight, and most likely violence will ensue during that restoration. I think it’s going to get very ugly before the matter is adjusted.

  3. Cookie Monster has a big chocolate chip on his shoulder. He’d probably clear off the whole Free Sample tray and cry ray is if they didn’t give him a to-go box.

  4. @Corona – We pedantic word-mongers call ’em oubliettes.


    oubliette, n.

    [Fr. oubliette (14th c. in Littré), f. oublier to forget.]

    A secret dungeon, access to which was gained only through a trap-door above; often having a secret pit below, into which the prisoner might be precipitated.

  5. It looks like they have about 365 franchises. I question if it was just the one store manager that did the evil deed. If so I think I would suspend him because he sounds like an asshole, find better management as it sounds like the company does support our men and women in blue and give the young man that did the kind gesture a really huge attaboy.

    bentknib has a good plan as well. Just like news writer that got served justice when tapes of a traffic stop were release I want to know who the two buttworms were that started all this B.S. They are the ones that really need an adjustment.

  6. The employee in question showed the best gesture of goodwill to the customer. Have the two exchange jobs, promote the cookie giver to manager,demote the former manager to cookie handler. Might not last a week with that “serpentine personality”.

  7. The updated news account says that the company management, after reviewing what actually happened, declared that the kid did nothing wrong and is not in any kind of trouble at all. Good.

    Now to make the trouble-makers eat a little crap…

  8. I see. The boy bought a “brownie” for the white police officer. That was racist. It would have been all right if the boy had bought him a “whitey”.

  9. The company should have reviewed what the kid did before jumping to conclusions. The fact is, the customer is not always right. Sometimes the customer is simply a jackass.

  10. HA! I received a response from them with this notice:

    Confidentiality Notice: This electronic mail transmission, and any attachment to it, contains privileged and confidential information intended only for the personal and confidential use of recipient(s) designated above. If you are not the intended recipient of this communication, or the employee or agent responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the contents of this information is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately notify the sender and please destroy the original message and all copies.

  11. This is the EXACT kind of stupidity that happens all too often in America these days. NO DOUBT the fighting customer was BLACK, and that automatically triggers bed-wetters to do stupid things so they don’t offend or get sued.

    Unfortunately, the only way to get the stupid people to listen to reason is to shit all over them until they over-correct in the other direction. It seems only an ANGRY MOB gets people’s brains back on track these days. That’s why you need to organize b/c the biggest angriest mob wins.
    Yep, it’s tribalism, but that’s were we are (again) as a society.

  12. Wasn’t anyone around in the store to see this? I’d of unloaded on the scum if I witnessed this. Too many people just let this kind of trash slide. Picking on some kid out working should have outraged anyone within earshot. These assholes should of had the snot slapped out of them.

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