Kid learns a lesson about the left playing monopoly – IOTW Report

Kid learns a lesson about the left playing monopoly

16 Comments on Kid learns a lesson about the left playing monopoly

  1. No shit.

    “Look, Dad, I pay 17% taxes!”

    The cunting Gubbment doesn’t understand that I would have put 100% of that back into the system in the form of gold, silver, and other taxable items. But no. You extorted that from me. It’s gone.

  2. Liberals always want to be the banker…
    Player: “Hey, you own only three properties and you already have $11,000! How did that happen?”

    Liberal banker: “You left to use the bathroom.”

  3. CONTRIVED just like all those “reality”
    boob tube shows….
    I cry also,but I pay 2k a year to live on .22 acres
    with 1500 Sq.Ft. home.Comes with feral yout crime,broken wore out roads,cloudy stinky drinking water,and aaahh yes
    last but not least sewer bubbles up out of the man holes
    when it rains hard.

  4. Yeah, it can make you cry, all right.

    Quite a few years ago, when my starter wife and I were making handsome salaries and getting pretty good (but not obscene) bonuses, I did a quick mental math exercise. Our combined taxes (income, property, sales tax, but no unusual events or windfalls), when figured this way, came to just about $10.00 an hour. That’s per hour of just being alive. 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 52 weeks a year. Or you can call it about 1¢ for every breath either of us took.

    “Ya wanna inhale? Gimme a penny.
    Ya wanna do it again? Gimme another penny.”

    Yeah, it can make you cry, all right.

  5. And if you survive till two thousand twenty five
    Hope you’re exceedingly thin
    For if you are stout you will have to breathe out
    While the people around you breathe in

  6. Every month, taxes take more than my home mortgage, electric bill, cable, trash and water bills combined.

    Of course, you shouldn’t know this because of the auto withdrawal and direct deposit obscures what they take.

    But yea, they spend it way more responsibly than I would have.

  7. Right before I paid my house off and then sold, I was paying 4X my bank payment, in just real estate taxes.
    Over 50 years, the property want from, no services, subscription fire service, out in the sticks, miles from anything, unless you had a car.
    Wasn’t even a bus stop within 5 miles.
    Became; Bucolic coastal island living, far from the urban decay.
    $$$ to the damn tax dept.
    My yearly tax bite now, is what one month was.
    Land rich, tax poor. I would have loved to get what the tax valuation was, effing cheats.


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