Kid Tries To Impress Girl — Makes Impression on Roof of Car – IOTW Report

Kid Tries To Impress Girl — Makes Impression on Roof of Car

(NEWSER) – A 16-year-old boy who set out to impress a girl probably did not accomplish his intended goal. The Siberian teen climbed over the railing and swung from a 23rd floor-balcony … and ended up falling to the ground, all in an attempt to impress a girl who was in the Novosibirsk apartment with him. Somehow—partially because, authorities say, a parked car he landed on softened the blow—he was conscious when emergency responders arrived, and is expected to survive, the Siberian Times reports.


“He has a bruised abdomen and lung, a tear in his liver and a broken shoulder. The guy was born under a lucky star. He is stable and conscious,” an official says, per RT. Authorities say the fall could easily have been fatal.


Maybe the authorities should make a PSA saying falling 23 stories can easily be fatal, you know, for the skeptics.

19 Comments on Kid Tries To Impress Girl — Makes Impression on Roof of Car

  1. So are you telling me that the United States doesn’t have a monopoly on stupid fukin’ teenagers?

    After what obama has done to our country, I figured that was our last bastion, one of the last things the fucking clintons haven’t sold to the Chinese!

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