Kids Being Kids at Little League WS Causes Racial Outrage – IOTW Report

Kids Being Kids at Little League WS Causes Racial Outrage

A stuffed animal was broken open and the kids piled the stuffing on a kid’s head to give him a goofy old-lady hairdo.

The racial grievance brigade is insisting this is a racist message, calling the stuffing “cotton” when it’s polyester. This moment fulfills their insatiable need to be a victim instead of laughing and being part of a society that enjoys one another.

The kids aren’t the jerks. The people reacting like this is Jim Crow are the jerks.

Daily Mail-

‘Did anyone else just see this on the Little League World Series?! They was stuffing the black boy hair with cotton!!!’ exclaimed Smitty.

‘This kids parents need to have a serious talk with him. You don’t allow people to treat you like a mascot,’ wrote one Twitter user. 

‘Hey @MLB – you want more Black kids in the game, but this is what happens when they play America’s pastime,’ added another.

‘What year is it ffs’, tweeted media personality Brandon Warne, while Trev Vanzant described is as ‘such a specific act of evil.’

‘The Iowa team needs to be suspended for a year,’ demanded one follower of the game. 

‘Where’s that young man parents game or no game that’s a no, no. We don’t let anyone touch anything on our bodies from head to toe,’ said Patrician McNeal.  

One social media user was unimpressed with now the ESPN commentators appeared to dismiss the behavior as kids simply having fun.

‘Yes, I saw it when the boy to his right started it and got the whole team involved. That is traumatizing, and the young man looks humiliated.

‘The @espn announcer had the audacity to say, ‘kids will be kids.’ Shameful.’ wrote Maria Rojas.ADVERTISEMENT


The kid will be traumatized NOW. You’re the ones calling him a mascot and a victim and a schmuck.

13 Comments on Kids Being Kids at Little League WS Causes Racial Outrage

  1. Didn’t seem to bother the kid much.
    “Tempest in a Teapot” comes to mind.
    The “feigned outrage” maggots should learn to STFU.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. I remember a black comedian years ago saying that his uncle was the kind of guy that looked for racism everywhere. He said his uncle swore that the reason green olives were in a jar and black olives were in cans was because they always tried to keep black things hidden.
    Things have gotten that stupid now.

  3. So what’s the big deal? At least the little leaguers didn’t all show up to play wearing a black face. That may have caused an outrage. This is what happens when you brainwash kids, make safe spaces for them, and no bullying on the playground. I think it toughened us adults up – 60 years of fighting our own battles. I did mine walking home from school. The same 2 boys pulling my braids – until I kicked him in the balls. He steered clear of me after that….i still remember his name. I wonder if he has any children, I kicked him pretty hard.

  4. The woke culture won’t let boys do anything to express themselves. Pulling apart a stuffed bear, attaching the stuffing on their heads is harmless. Silly fun.
    Race is not a factor. It’s just an excuse for the left to create division. White kids has cotton stuffing in their hair too.

    Boys have a lot of energy and at that age boys of my generation – Boomers, would punch each other in the arms and wrestle for fun, have races (ex. go cart or running), play baseball and shoot hoops (without annoying girls), talk sports, brag and “goof” around.

    The left’s only satisfied if boys are in drag/trans, shooting/beating people or useless wimps. Anything to discourage normal male behavior.


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