Kids Then, Kids Today – IOTW Report

Kids Then, Kids Today

The saddest of all graphics—

19 Comments on Kids Then, Kids Today

  1. Ronaldo Maximus described this graphic to a tee:

    “…Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same…”

    Evil is relentless, never ceasing, always at your doorstep, always looking for an opening to enter your life. Vigilance, perseverance and strength are required to keep it at bay.

  2. When the US was a free country, Americans could be kind, honest, and trusting, but living in a police state changes you.

    No one wants to give to charities anymore because everybody is forced at gunpoint to pay high taxes that fund welfare.

    No one trusts anyone because of wiretapping and you don’t when someone works for the secret police.

    Everything is illegal, but there is no of rule of law. The government can’t arrest everyone because there are not enough prisons and no one calls the police. People in police states must lie, bribe, and look for loopholes to do anything. Men might dress as Muslim females to escape surveillance and change their gender on their driver licenses.

    No has morals because there are no churches.

    No one respects property because the state owns everything.

    No one has children because what kind of life is this?

  3. I believe they have a plan given to them from their liberal leftist professors, destroy the world we live in to create a new one. Chaos then order out of chaos,a new and better world.

  4. I’m glad I am 65 now.
    God help these milley-enials.
    1 “wrong” word or twit against the
    state on your idiot box phone and you disappear into the night…

  5. Yes … the new Socialist Phoenix will rise out of the ashes of civilization.
    Just as it did out of the Fall of Wiemar.
    Just as it did out of the Fall of St. Petersburg.
    Just as it did out of the Fall of Havana.
    Just as it did out of the Fall of Peking.
    Just as it did …

    But it never produces its promises – it can’t – the mesmerizing Phoenix is a lie based on lies – its beautiful plumage the light refracted through broken glass.

    It is nothing but death and misery on an International scale.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. The commies infiltrated the education system.
    When I was in high school my current events teacher told us that Communists educate their people only to a certain level so as to make it easier to control them.
    She was so right.
    Even all these years later her words ring true. Sadly.

  7. That is because today’s kids have never really dealt with scarcity of food, water & shelter.

    They have Hydro 24/7, food a phone call away, and their entertainment 10 inches from their face.

    Beachmom is 100% correct about the education system.
    Watch Yuri Bezmenov video on You tube – He maps out USSR propaganda step by step.

  8. Please work to close government schools. We are paying through the nose for our own demise. There is not one bit of difference between Fisa court, irs and teachers union. All enemies of America

  9. Everyone supporting communism with those big smiley faces while boarding that space ship, until someone shouts, “To Serve Man, is Cookbook!”. Too late. You already lost your freedom and it’s not coming back. Have a nice day.
    Anyone here remember the USSR to be known as, The Iron Curtain? That’s what the “Democratic” Party represents: The absence of truth and freedom. They must be stopped. KAG

  10. Reportedly, Krushchev once stated during a visit to the US in 1959, “We will bury you”, but later recanted and re-arranged this outburst to, “We” [Russia] will not bury you (the US) with a shovel. “Your own working class will bury you”.

    This, apparently, was a spin-off of Marx declaring that, “The proletariat is the undertaker [gravedigger] of Capitalism”.

    UPDATE, 2016-ish and onwards: Looks like it won’t be just the “working class” as much as the swamp burrowed deep inside Fed agencies, fake news, illegal alien welfare recipients and the public educational/health care systems, which have, and continue being, the prime driver towards communism (a.k.a., “hard socialism”).

    Seems like, at this point, it’s a “Wait and See” situation.

    Rod Serling (Twilight Zone) once said, “Civilization needs to remain civilized in order to survive”. Maybe so…maybe.

  11. @ Free Speech Forum
    You’re exactly right about what communism does to people. My wife grew up in the USSR and although she wanted to get away from all that, I can see the effect it had on her. It’s a wonder she survived the meat grinder of socialism and turned out the way she is.


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