Kids Will Be Kids – IOTW Report

Kids Will Be Kids

7 Comments on Kids Will Be Kids

  1. Cuuuute
    Too bad there wasn’t another baby elephant so they could play together.

  2. Elephants are incredibly interesting. We are still learning lots of things about them, even after thousands of years of domestication.

    Remember about 40 years ago, when they discovered that elephants can communicate with each other over long distances? The frequency is so low it is beyond human hearing. The only reason they discovered it was because a researcher played back some audio at high speed. When they played back the “danger” audio, a pack of elephants immediately formed a defensive perimeter, with the young ones inside, and all those tusks facing outward!

  3. More animal vids please. Throw in a few karma videos too. And where has Chef Jean-Pierre been? I need them to take my mind off of this shitty world, even if for a few seconds.


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