Kids with Gun in Chicago (VIDEO) – IOTW Report

Kids with Gun in Chicago (VIDEO)

An Instagram video of an older thug in a car cruising by 3 kids (possibly in the 8 year old range) speaking ebonics (maybe we could get June Cleaver to translate).
One kid flashes a gun.

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39 Comments on Kids with Gun in Chicago (VIDEO)

  1. Isn’t that just special? I have some of these “diversifying” my town right now… This diseased behavior has made it to rural America. Sorry if I don[‘t seem tolerant.

  2. I went to Jr. High with their prequels….Jordy Maxwell, Carlton Jackson, Jimmy Lewis, but that was 1970…..all died in prison or are still there…..How far we have come….

  3. Of course most of you will attack me, but I will say the truth anyway. The best that that can happen with those little savages, those little PLO/HAMAS type child suicide bombers, is that they get killed before they grow up into fully formed, full strength, predatory savages.

    Before they rape and kill little girls, before they rob and shoot a hard working store clerk, before they shoot a Police Officer, they should be eliminated. Before they turn 11-12 and impregnate another 9 or 10 year old ghetto savage that will churn out replicas of themselves, they need to be stopped. They are future Charlie Mansons and Nicky Barnes types. They are already beyond repair based on percentages and empirical data and evidence.

    Imprison them now or allow the streets to have their way with them post haste. Its the TRUTH.

  4. That kid and his friends won’t live to see their teen years. They will no longer be EBTCAB’s (EBT card anchor babies). That’s 3 that won’t be breeding more just like themselves. Sad, but that’s the reality of it.

  5. Once again gun control laws are just kicking ass. Little kids have guns and carry them on the streets, but not law abiding citizens. Liberals are a cancer.


    This is why I’m saying the black community be needin’ to take responsibility for they trash.

    A father would say “Git yo ass home, whud iz dis? Walkin’ ’round tryin’ to act all tough an what-not?”

  7. Niglets were showing Blood affiliation with the red doorag. The best hope for society is some other Lord of The Flies tribe (Crips) grease them in a tricycle drive by.

    Black gang violence, abortion and sickle cell are the only thing keeping this from your streets.

  8. American tax dollars are paying for all this. For them, their parents, and their grandparents. At least.

    Are these the “minorities who’ve announced they are not part of Western Civilization “?

  9. Ain’t gonna stop ’til the hate mongers are destroyed. The Islamists and Arabs teach their kids to hate Jews and Whities from the crib onward; the black power structure (Obama, Sharpton, BLM) teach their children hate and victimhood; for thousands of years hate is preached to achieve power and monetary gains. Reminds me of the old TW3…”they’re rioting in Africa, there’s wars in Vietnam, what nature doesn’t do to us will be done by our fellow man…”

  10. Things will turn out well for obamas offspring. Thank you Mr prezzie.
    Kill each other quickly. Men women and children. These are the true irredeemables and deplorables that have been gifted to America by the democrats. We didn’t build this. You did.

  11. Mike Brown is an American Hero,

    This is why a remain neutral on the abortion issue. How many innocent lives has Planned Parenthood unintentionally saved. In a perfect world, hell no. The Libs created this. It would be great if these predators only killed Libs. They don’t.

  12. Bad Brad. You’re taking me to a dark place. Although all life is sacred, if the parent is a thug woman that creates and encourages the upbringing of a monster then I can’t really disagree with you much.

    Abortion is flat out wrong, but creepy niggahs that raise feral animals is even more wrong.

    I get your point. The parent had the opportunity to instill dignity and morals but chose not to do so. Your child can be a street thug or a brain surgeon. It’s up to the adult to provide guidance. Prenatal decisions made by dirtbags not willing to do parenting might be preferable. But I don’t like it at all. Sterilization is the better choice.

  13. Brad, I agree with you 100%. I adamantly favor gun confiscation and unrestricted abortion, as written law, applied to registered democrats only.

  14. PHenry

    You’d be hard pressed to get them sterilized. That wouldn’t be right. However it is right to put their babies in a blender. Complicated shit. I focus on me and mine. Particularly when I see shit like this. I’ll remain neutral on the abortion issue until somebody can stop the jungle boogie. I’ll tell you this, the last thing I want to do is get in a gun fight with a 12 year old.

  15. BB. Why would forced sterilization be wrong for a welfare queen multi reproducer? If you can’t support your offspring and show no self control then sterilization is more rational than endless reproduction. It’s what exterminators do. They put down substances that rats eat, that ants eat, that interfere with their ability to procreate.

  16. PHenry

    You would need to give them a freebie. Not just an Obama Phone and not cash. “We’ll give you a free lifetime subscription to HBO or JET magazine if we can sterilize you. We’d save lives and the tax payers Bazillions.

  17. Problem A: Young boys with guns
    Problem B: Adult male prowling young boys(recording it no less).
    Problem C: Corrupt politicians.
    A is the only solution to B because of C.
    B votes for C every election, perpetuating A.
    Eight years later a new crop of A’s come along. A becomes B, B becomes C and C becomes president hopey changey.
    It is a vicious cycle. Kids don’t stand a chance, witness Chicago.

  18. Too bad Chicago children were given guns instead of brains. Blame the parents and the evil culture. Hip Hop and rap have killed more kids in Chicago than anything else.

  19. The only answer to this is to turn off the gravy train. When producing offspring like rabbits is no longer financially lucrative it will slow and their predatory instincts will cause the remainder to eliminate each other.

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